(2017) “The interpreter mediated police interview as argumentative discourse in context: A case-study”. In C. Ilie, G. Garzone (eds) Argumentation across Communities of Practice. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 151-176.
(2017) “Persuasive Strategies on Surrogacy Websites: A Discourse-Analytical and Rhetorical Study”. In M.A. Orts, R. Breeze and M. Gotti (eds) Power, Persuasion and Manipulation in Specialised Genres. Providing Keys to the Rhetoric of Professional Communities. Bern: Peter Lang.
(2017) “Food, culture, language and translation”. Journal of Multicultural Discourses. Vol. 12 , Iss. 3, 2017, 214-221.
(2017) (con I. Bajini, M.V. Calvi, G. Sergio) (curatela). Parole per mangiare. Discorsi e culture del cibo. Milano: LED Edizioni.
(2017) (con C. Ilie) (eds) Argumentation across Communities of Practice. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 151-176
(2016). “Professional Groups on Social Networking Sites: The Case of Arbitration Professionals.” In G. Garzone, D. Heaney, G. Riboni (eds) Language for Specific Purposes: Research and Translation across Cultures and Media, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 350-373.
(2016) “Polyphony and Dialogism in Legal Discourse: Focus on Syntactic Negation.” In G. Tessuto, V.K. Bhatia, G. Garzone, R. Salvi and C. Williams (eds) Constructing Legal Discourses and Social Practices. Issues and Perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2-27.
(2016) (con D. Heaney e G. Riboni) (eds) Language for Specific Purposes : Research and Translation across Cultures and Media. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
(2015) Le traduzioni come fuzzy set. Percorsi teorici e applicativi. Milano: LED Edizioni.
(2015) “Arbitration Awards in the East and the West: A Comparative Analysis with a Focus on Domain Name Dispute Resolution.” In V.K. Bhatia, M. Gotti (eds) Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Bern: Peter Lang, 227-254.
(2014) “Investigating Blawgs through Corpus Linguistics: Issues of Generic Integrity.” In M. Gotti, e D.S. Giannoni (eds) Corpus Analysis for Descriptive and Pedagogical Purposes: ESP Perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang, 167-188.
(2014) (con J. Archibald) “Conceptualizing Linguistic and Cultural Mediation.” Lingue Culture Mediazioni / Languages Cultures Mediation 1(1/2), numero monografico “Definire la mediazione linguistica e culturale. Un approccio multidisciplinare / Defining Linguistic and Cultural Mediation. A Multidisciplinary Approach,” a cura di Giuliana Garzone e James Archibald, 7-16.
(2014) (con C. Ilie) (eds) Genres and Genre Theory in Transition. Specialized Discourses across Media and Modes. Boca Raton: Brownwalker Press.
(2013) “Variation in the use of modality in legislative texts: focus on shall”, Journal of Pragmatics, 57: 68-81.
(2013) “Modality and Performativity in Legislative Texts across Jurisdictions: the Case of Shall.” In W. Cheng, F. Poppi (eds) The Three Waves of Globalization: Winds of Change in Professional, Institutional and Academic Genres. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 94-122.
(2012) “Where Do Web Genres Come from? The Case of Blogs.” In S. Campagna, G. Garzone, C. Ilie, E. Rowley-Jolivet (eds) (eds) Evolving Genres in Web-mediated Communication. Bern: Peter Lang, 217-242.
(2012) “Dialogism in Arbitration Awards: Focus on Concessive Constructions.” In V.K. Bhatia, G. Garzone, C. Degano (eds) Arbitration Awards: Generic Features and Textual Realisations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 67-90.
(2012) “Traduzione, riscrittura e manipolazione ideologica: le ‘cover’ delle canzoni di Dylan negli anni ’60.” Altre Modernità. Numero speciale “Traduzione e riscrittura”, a cura di G. Garzone e M.C. Paganoni, 16-38, Oct. 2012.
(2012) (con C. Degano) “Voices in arbitration awards: polyphony and language reports.” In V.K. Bhatia, C.N. Candlin, M. Gotti (eds) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration: Issues, challenges and prospects. London: Ashgate, 179-207.
(2011) “Professional discourses in contact: Interpreters in the legal and medical setting.” In N.C. Candlin / S. Sarangi (eds) Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, 319-340.
(2010) (con James Archibald) (eds) Discourse and Identities in Institutional, Professional and Academic Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.
(2010) (con C. Degano) “Public Diplomacy, Multimodality and the World-Wide Web.” In G.T. Overton (ed.) Foreign Policy in an Interconnected World. Hauppauge NY: Nova Publishers: 29-58.
(2009) “Multimodal Analysis.” In F. Bargiela-Chiappini (ed.) The Handbook of Business Discourse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 154-165.
(2009) (con C. Degano) “Les éditoriaux au-delà de l’opinion: la couverture par la presse anglaise du conflit de l’été 2006 entre le Hezbollah et Israël”. In M. Guidere (éd.) Traduction et Communication orientée. Paris: Editions Le Manuscrit, 87-128.
(2008) “Gli enunciati performativi nel testo giuridico inglese: la prospettiva linguistica.” In: G. Garzone, F. Santulli (a cura di). Il linguaggio giuridico. Prospettive interdisciplinari. Milano: Giuffré, 57-87.
(2007) (con S. Sarangi) (eds) Discourse, Ideology and Specialised Communication. (pp. 494). Bern: Peter Lang.
(2006) The Use of Discursive Features Expressing Causal Relations in Annual Company Reports. In: Flowerdew J., Gotti M. (eds). Studies in Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 81-107.
(2006) Perspectives on ESP and popularization. Milano: CUEM.
(2005) (con A. Cardinaletti) (a cura di) L'italiano delle traduzioni. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
(2005) (a cura di) Esperienze del tradurre. Aspetti teorici e applicativi. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
(2003) (con Mette Rudvin) Domain-Specific English and Language Mediation in Professional and Institutional Settings. Milano: Arcipelago Edizioni.
(2002) (con M. Viezzi) (eds) Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities. Selected Papers from the First Forlì Conference on Interpreting Studies. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 335.
(2002) (con P. Mead e M. Viezzi) (eds) Perspectives on Interpreting. Bologna: CLUEB.
(2001) (con M. Viezzi) Comunicazione specialistica e interpretazione di conferenza. Trieste: EUT (in particolare: “Parte Prima. Comunicazione tecnico-scientifica e interpretazione”, 9-130).
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