Collaboration of students in University services

Students can work part-time at the University's offices. The selection is made according to the procedures indicated in the Regulations for the collaboration of students in the services of the University and in the notice published annually. Collaborations have a total duration not exceeding 150 hours.

In any case, prerequisites for the validity of the application and for the award of contracts are:

  • for students enrolled in Bachelor programs: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, at least in the second year of the course and, in any case, not in the year following the first 'out-of-course' year beyond the legal duration of the course of study;
  • for students enrolled in master's degree courses: enrollment of the student, during the academic year of reference of the notice, in the first, the second, or, in any case, not subsequent to the first 'out-of-course year beyond the legal duration of the course of study;
  • for all candidates: exceeding at least two fifths of the university credits (CFU), rounded down, specified for the chosen curriculum, with reference to the academic year preceding the call, except for students enrolled in the first year of master's degree courses, who are admitted by right to the submission of the application.