Why I have not written any of my books

Marcel Bénabou - Translation by Laura Brignoli
Title book

Year 2018

Why I have not written any of my books

The paradox of a book that affirms itself by denying itself. The narrator - who perhaps coincides with the author - reviews the reasons that prevent him from writing his ideal book, and at the same time obliges him to do so, and to confront himself with the immense volume of Western literary heritage. Published for the first time in 1986, winner of the Humour Noir Prize, translated into several languages, Why I have not written any of my books is now a classic; it now comes out in a new translation that does not forget the verbal game, nor the many intertextual hints that the educated reader will not fail to grasp. A playful and self-deprecating journey into Western literature that is also a declaration of love. Because in the end, like Magritte's famous pipe, this is not a book.