IULM Rector guest speaker at Il Sole 24 Ore roundtable on Transition 5.0

Communication - 29 November 2024

IULM University Rector Prof. Valentina Garavaglia will attend Il Sole 24 Ore event to discuss innovation and skills for the future of business

Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m
Palazzo Giureconsulti, Milan - Live & Digital Event

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, the Palazzo Giureconsulti in Milan will host Transition 5.0: Growing to Compete, the event promoted by Il Sole 24 Ore to explore the opportunities of the Transition 5.0 Plan, launched by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy

A special highlight will be the 12:30 p.m. roundtable discussion entitled "Innovating the business: the formation of new skills," which will feature the Rector of IULM University, Prof. Valentina Garavaglia, along with industry experts and institutional representatives.

The event is conceived as a real practical guide for all those who want to digitize their businesses, switch to renewable sources and train workers in new skills, explaining how the banking system can effectively intervene to support those who take the Twin Transition path, a gateway to the tax benefit provided by the Government Plan. Because that of innovation is an unavoidable road to win the challenge of national and international markets under the banner of Made in Italy.

For more information on the program and registration, visit the event's official website.