Seminars on Study Method, Anxiety Management and Expectations

06 March 2023
Preparing for an exam, organizing study, and the expectations that others (or ourselves) place on our college course can be a source of anxiety and stress. To develop an effective study method, and understand how expectations are formed, when they are helpful, and how to manage their impact, IULM is organizing a series of meetings.

Workshop on "in the middle of expectations and reality":

Part 1 on March 29th from 5:15 till 6:15 pm  

(my) Self-esteem

Part 2 on April 5th from 5:15 till 6:15 pm

Do not disappoint! (my family, peers, etc.)

Two meetings on how we compare ourselves to our image and to others, how expectations and pressures are formed, when they are useful, how to soften their impact, avoiding unnecessary suffering.

To sign up please complete this form