News archive
Latest news from IULM
Culture 20 October 2023
TAM TAM - Teatro delle Arti Mediali (Theatre of Media Arts)
On 23 October at 6.15 p.m., we prepare for the opening of 'TAM TAM Teatro delle Arti Mediali' (Theatre of Media Arts)
University 19 October 2023
IULM launches the TikTok channel and the new faces of the 'I'm IULM' campaign
The first items to be released in the main online and offline media. The students will be the content creators of the university's official TikTok account.
International 16 October 2023
IULM Flow TALK 50: Sustainability and Communication: the experience of One Ocean Foundation
The 50th round of IULM Flow talks is for October 27
Teatro 16 October 2023
Performing IULM: the activities of the University Theater Center have begun!
Do you enjoy acting? Do you feel like putting yourself in the game? Participate in the masterclasses of the IULM University Theater Center!
Students 13 October 2023
Desk Study plan month of October
Student secretariat activates a dedicated counter
University 12 October 2023
Master ad Honorem to artist Ugo Nespolo
On Monday 23 October, at 5.30 p.m., in Auditorium (IULM 6), IULM University will award the Master ad Honorem in Management of Artistic and Cultural Resources to the artist Ugo Nespolo.
Students 11 October 2023
Language proficiency tests for mobility calls: registration open
If you want to have a study abroad experience but you don't have a language certification, sign up to IULM language proficiency tests before October 27th.
University 09 October 2023
TIYES - Tourism Industry Young Entrepreneurship Seminars
A series of seminars titled "TIYES - Tourism Industry Young Entrepreneurship Seminars" will be held at IULM on Tuesday, October 11
University 05 October 2023
Open Day Bachelor's Degrees - November
On 18 November come and discover IULM's educational offerings
University 05 October 2023
Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation
Professors Barbarito and Rocca are the new Deans