Professional journalist, member of ODG Milan since 8/3/2006
Editorial contributor at Il Sole 24 Ore, Corriere Economia, Mark Up for articles, interviews, reports on retail, marketing, digital communication.
Teaching experience
October 2015 - October 2019: seminars, In Store Marketing course at Iulm University Milan, master's degree in Marketing, Consumption and Communication.
October 2019-present: co-teacher, In Store Communication course at Iulm University Milan, master degree in Marketing, Consumption and Communication.
February 2021-present: lectures for the Marketing workshop at Iulm University Milan, degree course in Public Relations and Business Communication.
October 2020-Present: thematic lectures in English in Master in International Marketing & Sales Communication, Iulm University Milan.
October 2015-Present: faculty of courses in Fashion Marketing, Digital Fashion, Social Media Marketing at Istituto Marangoni Milano (in English).
October 2018-Present: faculty of courses in Fashion Marketing & Visual Merchandising, Retail Marketing, In Store Fashion Branding at Milano Fashion School.
October 2018-Present: seminars in English on Visual Merchandising for visiting students, Ximan Color Beijing, at Milano Fashion School.
October 2008-October 2015: holder of Retail Marketing & Visual Merchandising, Fashion Marketing, In store Communication courses at ESE - European School of Economics Milan.
Foreign languages
English (mother tongue), French (fluent), Japanese (intermediate).
October 1995-March 2000: IULM University Milan, degree in Public Relations, Consumption and Advertising.
October 2008-March 2012: Statale University Milan, bachelor's degree with honours in Modern Languages and Literature.
Retail, visual merchandising, in store communication, metaverse, virtual reality, social commerce. Digital communication, social media marketing, digital fashion.
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