[email protected]
Enrico Ivaldi is Associate Professor in Social Statistics, in the Faculty of Communication, at the Free University of Languages and Communication IULM, Milan branch. He holds a PhD in Applied Economics and Quantitative Methodologies from the University of Genoa. He is a member of the Editorial Board of "Revista de Estudios Andaluces" (REA), a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Nautical Observatory, and a member of the faculty board of the PhD in Security, Risk and Vulnerability, curriculum in Management and Security, University of Genoa. He is also a member of the Centro de Investigaciones en Econometría of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and of the Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internazionale, Department of Integral Welfare, Vatican City. He is a member of several scientific societies, including the Italian Statistical Society and the Royal Statistical Society.
The main areas of scientific interest are the analysis of social indicators, the study of deprivation and inequality, and smart and sustainable cities.
Secs s/05 Social Statistics
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- Monografie
- Ivaldi E. Ciacci A. (2023) Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications. Part of the book series: Human Well-Being Research and Policy Making (HWBRPM) Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-25037-8.
- Burlando C., Ivaldi E., Mastretta M., Parra Saiani P., Sacone S. (2019) Convenienza economica del Car Sharing e processi di scelta tra auto condivisa e auto privata, Ricerca finanziata dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Scienza della Formazione, Università di Torino, ISBN 9788897532187
- Bruzzi C., Soliani R. Ivaldi E. (2017) Analisi multidimensionale della deprivazione nella città di Genova. Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.18 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-246-1
- Ivaldi E. Bonatti G. Soliani R. (2017) The measurement of Well-Being in the Current Debate. Nova Publishers, New York, ISBN: 978-1-53610-005-1
- Burlando C., Camporeale A., Ivaldi E. (2105) Il contesto economico e sociale del trasporto pubblico locale: rapporto qualità, utilizzo, prezzo. Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.14 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-183-9
- Ivaldi E., Di Gennaro A. (2011) Il rischio paese e la sua misurazione: una proposta di indicatore, Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.7 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-105-1
- Testi A., Ivaldi E. (2008) Come coniugare efficienza e qualità delle cure: modelli e metodi quantitativi per la riorganizzazione dei servizi sanitari, Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.5 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-101-3
- Testi A., Ivaldi E. Tanfani E., Verrico C., Mazzino E. (2008) Assessing migration health care implications: a systematic review of literature (2006), Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.3 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-072-6
- Ivaldi E. Indicatori di deprivazione come misura di svantaggio sociale, il caso dell'area metropolitana genovese (2006), Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.1 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-87409-81-9
- Contributi in Riviste, Volumi e voci di enciclopedia
- Ciacci A., Ivaldi E., Parra Saiani P. (2023) Evergreen Conservation Capital Indicators and Life Expectancy in Italy in R. C. Das (ed.), Economic, Environmental and Health Consequences of Conservation Capital, ISBN 978-981-99-4136-0
- Bartiromo, M. and Ivaldi, E. (2023), "A Gender Sustainable Development Index for Italian Regions", Chakraborty, C. and Pal, D. (Ed.) Gender Inequality and its Implications on Education and Health, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 247-258.
- Ciacci A; Ivaldi E. Mangano S. Ugolini G.M. (2021) Environment, logistics and infrastructure: the three spheres of influence of Italian coastal tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2023, 31(7), pp. 1583–1607
- Ciacci A. Ivaldi E. Bartiromo M. (2023) The History and Evolution of Cities in Terms of the Sustainability and Knowledge-Based Economy Sectors in Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications (E. Ivaldi, A. Ciacci). Springer.
- Ciacci A. Ivaldi E. (2023) Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy for People, Workers, and Enterprises: Mutually Reinforcing Dynamics in Terms of the Sustainability and Knowledge-Based Economy Sectors in Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications (E. Ivaldi, A. Ciacci). Springer.
- Ivaldi E. (2023) Smart Sustainable Cities and the Urban Knowledge-Based Economy: A Practical Guidance to Monitor European Cities in Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications (E. Ivaldi, A. Ciacci). Springer
- Ciacci A. Ivaldi E. (2023) Policy Implications for Human Well-being in Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications (E. Ivaldi, A. Ciacci). Springer
- Ciacci A. Ivaldi E. (2023) The Cities of the Future in Smart Sustainable Cities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Policy Implications (E. Ivaldi, A. Ciacci). Springer
- Traversa S., Ivaldi E. (2023), The digitization of the private sector. A non-aggregative method to monitor the NRRP agenda at macro-area level, DOI 10.36253/979-12-215-0106-3.37, in Enrico di Bella, Luigi Fabbris, Corrado Lagazio (edited by), ASA 2022 Data-Driven Decision Making. Book of short papers, pp. 209-214, 2023, published by Firenze University Press and Genova University Press, ISBN 979-12-215-0106-3, DOI 10.36253/979-12-215-0106-3
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2023) Measuring Gender Gap in Education in Different Italian Regions under Sustainable Development Framework: Is GEI a Good Tool? In Social Sector Development and Governance Empirical Investigations for Countries and Groups Edited By Ramesh Chandra Das. Routledge ISBN 9781032138121
- González-Relaño, R., Lucendo-Monedero, A.L. Ivaldi, E (2023). Household and Individual Digitisation and Deprivation: A Comparative Analysis Between Italian and Spanish Regions Social Indicator Research .
- Das, R.C., Chatterjee, T. & Ivaldi, E. (2023) Co-movements of income and urbanization through energy use and pollution: An investigation for world’s leading polluting countries Ecological Indicators, Volume 153, September 2023, 110381
- Das, R.C., Chatterjee, T. & Ivaldi, E. (2023) Revisiting policy combinations under IS–LM–EE framework introducing capacity utilization. Quality and Quantity.
- Bruzzo, A. Ivaldi, E. (2023), "An Inclusive Indicator to Measure the Contextual Factors Influencing the Price of Real Estate: A Study on Genoa in Italy", Das, R.C. (Ed.) Inclusive Developments Through Socio-economic Indicators: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 141-155.
- Ivaldi E. Ciacci A, Soliani R. (2023) Economic, Environmental and Social: Three Components to Measure the Perception of Sustainable Development, 229–248 in The Impact of Environmental Emissions and Aggregate Economic Activity on Industry eds Mihir Kumar Pal Emerald Publishing Limited ISBN: 978-1-80382-578-6 (Print) doi:10.1108/978-1-80382-577-920231017
- Ivaldi E. Ciacci A. (2023) Smart Sustainable Cities and Entrepreneurship: A Proposal for a Non-aggregative Approach in Smart City 2.0 Strategies and Innovations for City Development eds O. Deog-Seong, Phillips F.Y. and Mohan A.V. pp 357:375 World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
- Alaimo L.S., Ivaldi E., Landi S., Maggino F. (2022) Measuring socioeconomic inequality in small areas with a non-aggregative approach: an application to the Urban Units of the Municipality of Genoa. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Volume 83, October 2022, 101170 Fascia A area 13
- Bruzzi S, Ivaldi E. Santagata M. (2022) Measuring Regional Performance in the Italian NHS: Are Disparities Decreasing? Social Indicator Research 2022, 159(3), pp. 1057–1084 DOI: 10.1007/s11205-021-02775-8 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Das R., Chatterjee, T., Ivaldi E. (2022) Nexus between Housing Price and Magnitude of Pollution: Evidence from the panel of some high and low polluting cities of the world. Sustainability 2022, 14, 9283.
- Ivaldi E., Mangano S., Ugolini G.M. (2022) Verso lo Sviluppo di Nuove Forme di Diportismo Nautico in Rapporto sul turismo Italiano XXV edizione, a cura di Alfonso Morvillo ed Emilio Becheri, CNR, Istituto di ricerca su innovazione e Servizi per lo sviluppo ISBN 978-88-8080-519-9
- Bartiromo M., Ciacci A, Ivaldi E. (2022) Measuring Sustainable Development at the NUTS2 Level: Differences and Future Prospects in Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development eds by Ramesh Chandra Das, Emerald Publishing Limited Bingley UK ISBN 9781801178716
- Traversa S., Ciacci A, Ivaldi E., Gonzalez-Relaño R. (2022) Measuring the Digital Gap in Italy: A NUTS-2 Level Index in Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development eds by Ramesh Chandra Das, Emerald Publishing Limited Bingley UK ISBN 9781801178716
- Penco L., Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2022) COVID-19 and the Strategic Responses to Crises in the Italian Entrepreneurial Firms: An Explorative Research in Business Under Crisis, Volume III Avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, eds Vrontis D., Thrassou A. Weber Y., Shams R., Tsoukatos E., Efthymiou L. Palgrave Macmillan, London, ISBN 978-3-030-76582-8 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-76583-5
- Bartiromo M., Ivaldi E. (2022) Political Participation and Electoral Participation in Italy. In: Baikady R., Sajid S., Przeperski J., Nadesan V., Rezaul I., Gao J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Penco, L., Ivaldi, E. and Ciacci, A. (2021), "Entrepreneurial ecosystem and well-being in European smart cities: a comparative perspective", The TQM Journal, Vol. 33 No. 7, 2021 pp. 318-350 DOI 10.1108/TQM-04-2021-0097
- Bartiromo Marianna, Ivaldi Enrico (2021) Political participation in the risk society: the Italian case Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(9), 435;
- Paolo Parra Saiani, Enrico Ivaldi, Andrea Ciacci, Lucia di Stefano (2021) Broken Trust. Confidence Gaps and Distrust in Latin America Social Indicator Research
Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Alaimo L., Ciacci A., Ivaldi E. (2021) Measuring sustainable development by non-aggregative approach Social Indicator Research 157: 101-122 (DOI: 10.1007/s11205-020-02357-0) Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Landi S., Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2021) The role of regional health systems on health care services waiting time inequalities. Evidences from Italy. Health Services Management Research. 34(3), pp. 136–147
- Das, R.C.; Ivaldi, E. (2021) Is Pollution a Cost to Health? Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry for the World’s Leading Polluting Economies. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 6624.
- Das, R.C.; Chatterjee, T.; Ivaldi, E. (2021) Sustainability of Urbanization, Non-Agricultural Output and Air Pollution in the World’s Top 20 Polluting Countries. Data, 6, 65.
- Burlando, C.; Ivaldi, E.; Ciacci, A. Seniors’ Mobility and Perceptions in Different Urban Neighbourhoods: A Non‐Aggregative Approach (2021). Sustainability 2021, 13, 6647.
- Ivaldi, E., Soliani, R., Parisi, P., & Legnaro, D. (2021). Un enfoque no compensatorio para medir el riesgo país en los países de la OCDE. Cuadernos Del CIMBAGE, 1(23), 85-115.
- Ivaldi E. Foreword in Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector: Mitigating Global Recession eds Mihir Kumar Pal Emerald Publishing Limited ISBN: 9781800710955
- Ciacci A., Ivaldi E., Mangano S., Ugolini G. M. (2021) La navigazione del turismo nautico nella tempesta del covid-19: una indagine sui diportisti in Rapporto sul turismo Italiano XXIV edizione, a cura di Alfonso Morvillo ed Emilio Becheri, CNR, Istituto di ricerca su innovazione e Servizi per lo sviluppo, ISBN 9788880804437
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2021) Indicators Definition: Non Compensatory Methods in Wiley Statistics Reference Online (Wiley StatsRef) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, USA. DOI: DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08103
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2021) Material Deprivation in Wiley Statistics Reference Online (Wiley StatsRef) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08104
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2021) Social Deprivation in Wiley Statistics Reference Online (Wiley StatsRef) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08105
- Ciacci A., Ivaldi E., Soliani R. (2021) A potential business environment of a smart cities: a subjective approach in Strategic Outlook in Strategic Look in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel. Emerald Publishing Limited ISBN 9781800434455
- Ciacci, A.; Ivaldi, E.; Gonzales, R. (2021) A Partially Non‐Compensatory Method to Measure the Smart and Sustainable Level of Italian Municipality. Sustainability, 13, 435.
- Bonatti, G, Ciacci A, and Ivaldi E.. (2021) Different Measures of Country Risk: An Application to European Countries. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14: 19.
- Das R. C., Ivaldi E. (2020) Growth and Convergence of Social Sectors’ Expenditure in Indian States: Upshots from Neoclassical Growth and Panel Unit Roots Models Journal of Infrastructure Development 12(1) 69–83, DOI: 10.1177/0974930620933732
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A., Soliani R. (2020) Urban deprivation in Argentina: a POSET analysis Papers in Regional Science 2020;99:1723–1747. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12555 Fascia A ASN area 13
- Ivaldi E.. Parra Saiani P. Primosich J. Bruzzi C. (2020) Health and Deprivation: A New Approach Applied to 32 Argentinian Urban Area Social Indicator Research 151:155-179 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Ivaldi E. (2020) Foreword in Role of IT- ITES in Economic Development of Asia Issues of Growth, Sustainability and Governance Editors: Sikdar, Soumyen, Das, Ramesh Chandra, Bhattacharyya, Rajib (Eds.), Springer, ISBN 978-981-15-4206-0
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2020) International Index in Wiley Statistics Reference Online (Wiley StatsRef) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08106
- Ivaldi E., Ciacci A. (2020) Indicators Definition: Weighting Criteria in Social Indexes in Wiley Statistics Reference Online (Wiley StatsRef) John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118445112.stat08102
- Bruzzi C. Landi S. Ivaldi E. (2020) Non-compensatory aggregation method to measure social and material deprivation in an urban area: Relationship with premature mortality. The European Journal of Health Economics 21(3):381-396 Fascia A Area 13
- Parra Saiani P.; Burlando C.; Ivaldi E; Penco L. (2020) La propensión al uso del coche compartido y sus bases decisionales. Resultados de una investigación en cuatro ciudades italianas Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales vol 17(1). ISSNe: 1549-2230
- Ivaldi E., Penco L., Isola G., Musso E. (2020) Smart sustainable cities and the urban knowledge-based economy. A NUTS3 level analysis. Social indicator Research 150:45–72 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Remondino M.; Ivaldi E. (2020) Factors influencing the consumers’ expenditure on wine according to their own expectations: a Statistical Analysis in Strategic Priorities in Competitive Environments - Multidimensional Approaches for Business Success”, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel. SPRINGER ISBN 978-3-030-45023-6
- Ivaldi E.; Ciacci A. (2020) Measuring level of technological infrastructure in smart cities a non-compensatory approach in Strategic Outlook for Innovative Work Behaviors, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel. SPRINGER ISBN 978-3-030-50131-0
- Burlando C.; Ivaldi E; Parra Saiani P.; Penco L. (2020) To own or not to own? Car ownership and consumer awareness: evidence from an Italian survey Research in Transportation Business & Management 33, December 2019
Fascia A Area 13
- Bruzzi C, Ivaldi E., Musso E., Penco L. (2020) The role of knowledge city features in nurturing entrepreneurship: evidence from EU cities, Urban Studies and Entrepreneurship, Iftikhar, M. N. Justice, J., Audretsch, D. B. (Eds.) Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-15163-8
- Penco, L., Ivaldi, E., Bruzzi, C., Musso, E. (2020) Knowledge-based urban environments and entrepreneurship: Inside EU cities, Cities 96,
Fascia A Area 13
- Ivaldi E. (2019) Foreword in The Impact of Global Terrorism on Economic and Political Development Edited by Ramesh Chandra Das Emerald Publishing Limited, Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK ISBN: 978-1-78769-919-9
- Ivaldi E. Mangano S. Ugolini G.M. (2019), "Le determinanti di offerta del turismo nautico e l’industria cantieristica in Italia, in Rapporto sul turismo XXIII EDIZIONE 2018/2019 a cura di Emilio Becheri, Roberto Micera, e Alfonso Morvillo, Rogiosi Editore, Napoli pp. 469-480 ISBN 978-88-6950-389-4
- Landi S., Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2019) Socioeconomic Status and Waiting Times for Health Services: Current Evidences and Next Area of Research. Health Services Insights Volume 12: 1–3
- Penco, L., Ivaldi, E., Bruzzi, C., Musso, E. (2019) Entrepreneurship and the cities in a knowledge-based perspective: evidences from EU, EuroMed Journal of Business Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 189-208.
- Ivaldi E.; Santagata M. (2019) Measuring the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance on the Economic Growth of Developing Countries: A 2009–2013 Analysis in The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century eds by Ramesh Chandra Das, Emerald Publishing Limited, Howard House, UK. PP: 33-46 ISBN: 978-1-78973-320-4
- Santagata M. Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2019) Development and Governance in the Ex-Soviet Union: an Empirical Inquiry. Social Indicator Research 141:157–190. Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Ivaldi E., Santagata M., Soliani R. (2019) Growing market economy and institutions: evidence from the former soviet republics. In Progress in Economics research vol. 42, A. Tavidze (Eds.), Nova Science publishers, New York ISBN 978-1-53615-121-3 pp. 137-169
- Ivaldi E. Ugolini G.M. (2018), " Le determinanti di offerta del turismo nautico e l’industria cantieristica” Annali di Ricerche e Studi di Geografia, LXXIII (2018), pp. 7-22 ISSN 0392-8713 ISBN 978-88-6056-537-2
- Landi S. Ivaldi E. Testi A. (2018) Measuring Change Over Time in Socio-economic Deprivation and Health in an Urban Context: The Case Study of Genoa. Social Indicator Research 139(2), pp. 745-785 online DOI: 10.1007/s11205-017-1720-3 ISSN 0303-8300 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2018) Objective and Subjective health: an analysis of inequality for the European Union Social Indicator Research 138(3):1279–1295 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Ivaldi E. Parra Saiani P. (2018) Le disuguaglianze di salute tra le regioni italiane. Quale relazione con il PIL procapite? Salute e Società, XVII, 3/2018, ISSN 1723-9427, ISSNe 1972-4845 Fascia A ASN area 14
- Ivaldi E., Bruzzi C. Soliani R. (2018) A Non-compensative Index for Country Risk in OECD Countries in Strategic Design and Innovation Thinking in Business Operation eds by Hasan Dincer, Unit Hacioglu, Serhat Yuksel, Springer, Cham, Switzerland ISBN: 978-3-319-77621-7
- Landi S. Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2018) Socioeconomic status and waiting times for health services: An international literature review and evidence from the Italian National Health System. Health Policy 122(4), pp. 334-351 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2018.01.003 ISSN: 01688510
Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods
- Ivaldi E. Ugolini G.M. (2017) Nautica da diporto e turismo nautico alla vigilia della ripresa Rapporto sul turismo XXI EDIZIONE 2016/2017 eds by Emilio Becheri Roberto Micera e Alfonso Morvillo. Rogiosi Editore
- Ivaldi E. (2017) Deprivazione materiale e sociale nelle regioni italiane: una analisi attraverso l’elaborazione di indicatori sociali Economia e Diritto del Terziario 3/2017 DOI: 10.3280/edt3-2017oa6268
- Landi S. Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2017) Una misura non compensativa della deprivazione materiale e della salute nel tempo: applicazione all’area metropolitana genovese. Politiche Sanitarie 18(3):128-141 DOI 10.1706/2824.28546
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- Burlando C. Ivaldi E. (2017) Perceived quality of urban public transport : use and willingness to pay in italian regions International Journal of Transport Economics Vol XLIV(3) ISSN 0391-8440
Fascia C GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,46; H-index 7)
- Ivaldi E. Santagata M. (2017) Cultural well-being and GDP per capita in Italy: empirical evidence. In Well-being and Quality of Life eds by Ana Alice Vilas Boas InTech ISBN 978-953-51-5271-2
- Ugolini GM, Ivaldi E. (2017) Tourist Ports and Yachting: The Case of Sardinia. Revista de Estudios Andaluces (REA) Vol. 34 (2017) e-ISSN: 2340-2776.
- Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2017) An indicator for the measurement of political participation: the case of Italy Social Indicators Research, 132(2), 605-620 Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Ivaldi E., Soliani R., Ugolini G.M. (2017) The effects of the crisis on nautical tourism: an analysis of the Italian situation regarding port features, linked economic activities and taxation In Global Financial Crisis and its Ramifications on Global Economic Activity eds by Ümit Hacıoğlu, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-47020-7 10.1007/978-3-319-47021-4_40
- Ivaldi E., Soliani R., Ugolini G.M. (2017) Shipbuilding in Italy at the end of the crisis. Is there a road to recovery? In Global Financial Crisis and its Ramifications on Global Economic Activity eds by Ümit Hacıoğlu, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-47020-7
- Soliani R. Ivaldi E. Bonatti G. (2017) Quality of life in Italian cities: a temporal comparison between before the crisis and after. International Journal of Social Economics volume 44, issue 4:560 – 574 10.1108/IJSE-10-2014-0214
Fascia C GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,6;)
- Ivaldi E., Soliani R. Repetto A. (2017) Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869), Lombard Philosopher and Economist, Liberal Beyond Federalism in Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 1798, 1914 a comparative Study Eds Riccardo Soliani, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-25353-4
- Bonatti G. Ivaldi E. (2016) Un indicatore per la misurazione della partecipazione culturale e sociale nelle regioni italiane Economia e Diritto del Terziario 2/2016:283-302 ISSN 1593-9464, ISSNe 1972-5256
Fascia E GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,19; H-index 4)
- Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2016) The construction of a synthetic index comparing multidimensional well-being in the European Union, Social Indicators Research. January 2016, Volume 125, Issue 2, pp 397-430. ISSN 0303-8300
Fascia A ASN area Statistics and Mathematical Methods (IF5=1,8; H-index 42)
- Burlando C., Camporeale A., Ivaldi E. (2016) Un indicatore di qualità percepita per il trasporto pubblico urbano: analisi delle macro-aree italiane Economia e Diritto del Terziario 2/2016:267:282 ISSN 1593-9464, ISSNe 1972-5256
Fascia E GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,19; H-index 4)
- Burlando C. Ivaldi E. Musso E. (2016) An indicator for measuring the perceived quality of local public transport: relationship with use and satisfaction with the ticket price. International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol XLIII N.4, Novembre 2016 ISSN 0391-8440 E-ISSN 1724-2185 DOI: 10.19272/201606704003
Fascia C GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,46; H-index 7)
- Landi S. Ivaldi E. Testi A. (2016) Condizioni socioeconomiche e tempi di attesa in Italia: Un’analisi empirica basata sull’Indagine Istat Multiscopo 2013. Salute in Italia e livelli di tutela: approfondimenti delle indagini Istat sulla salute eds by Costa G, Crialesi R. Migliardi A. ,Gargiulo L, Sebastiani G, Ruggeri P, Menniti Ippolito F. Rapporto Istisan 16/26:183-196 ISSN 1123-3117
- Santagata M. Ivaldi E. Parisi P. S. (2016) Income and health differentials in Italian context: differences and relationships in Do different inequalities have a common ground? Eds by Enrico Ivaldi Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.17 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-234-8
- Santagata M. Ivaldi (2016) Gender Inequalities and different Levels of Education in Italy, in Do different inequalities have a common ground? Eds by Enrico Ivaldi Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.17 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-234-8
- Bonatti G. Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2016) Social participation, cultural, and relational in Italy in Do different inequalities have a common ground? Eds by Enrico Ivaldi Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.17 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-234-8
- Ivaldi E. (2016) Material and social deprivation in Italian Regions in Do different inequalities have a common ground? Eds by Enrico Ivaldi Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.17 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-234-8
- Clément A, Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2016) Social and Material Deprivation in French and Italian Macroregions in Do different inequalities have a common ground? Eds by Enrico Ivaldi Collana Percorsi di Scienze Economiche e Sociali n.17 Impressioni Grafiche, Acqui Terme ISBN 978-88-6195-234-8
- Ivaldi E. Ugolini G.M. (2016) Il turismo nautico: una filiera produttiva importante sostiene l’attività leisure in Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano XX EDIZIONE 2015/2016 eds by Emilio Becheri e Giulio Maggiore. Rogiosi Editore
- Ivaldi E. Soliani R. Bonatti G. (2016) Is there a two-speed Europe also in the well-being? Economia Internazionale/International Economics 2016, Vol 69 - Issue 1:45-68 ISSN 0012-981X
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- Ivaldi E. (2016) Material and social deprivation in Italy: an analysis on a regional basis Eastern European Business and Economics Journal 2:248-268 ISSN:2256-0521
- Amato A., Ivaldi E. (2015) The GEDI Methodology and its Application to Countries of North Africa Economia Internazionale/International Economics Vol LXVIII, n° 3:324-372 ISSN 0012-981X:
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- Ivaldi E., Ugolini G.M. (2015) The Nautical Quality Index (NaQi): Methodology and Application to the Case of Italy Review of Economic and finance 5(2):43,58 2015 ISSN 1923-7529
Fascia D GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,05; H-index 2)
- Ivaldi E. Clément A, Soliani R. (2015) Social and Material Deprivation in French and Italian Macro Regions: A Proposal of New Indicators from Eu-Silc Data. International Review of Social Sciences 3:405-419- ISSN:2309-0081
- Ivaldi E, Soliani R., Musso C. (2015). Five Thousand Years of Statistics: An Historical Overview from the Origins to the Twentieth Century. Journal of Social Economics 3:12-28 ISSN:2313-3910
- Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2014) Composite Index for Quality of Life in Italian cities: an application to URBES Indicators, Review of Economics & Finance, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2014 ISSN 1923-7529
Fascia D GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,05; H-index 2)
- Clément A., Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2014) Gide, Desroche e l’esprit coopératif in Vers un économie “humaine”? Desroche, Lebret, Lefebvre, Mounier, Perroux, au prisme de notre temps, sous la direction de Laurent Loty, Jean-Louis Perrault et Ramon Tórtajada, Hermann Éditeurs, Paris ISBN 9782705689070
- Alderighi S., Ivaldi E., Soliani R (2014) Effects of the labour market flexibility in the long run: evidence from the Italian case (1977 – 2009) QA - Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria 3-2014 ISSN 1971-4017, ISSNe 1972-5248
Fascia C GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,37; H-index 9)
- Ivaldi E. (2014) Yachting and nautical tourism in Italy: an analysis of the sectors from the years of maximum expansion to the years of deep crisis. Journal of Empirical Economics Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, 29-45 ISSN 2310-3140
Fascia D GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,05; H-index 2)
- Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2014) Is economical and social development really linked with the shift of labour from secondary to tertiary sector? Evidence from the Italian case. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Center of Science and Education Vol. 6, No. 5, April 2014: DOI: 10.5539/ijef.v6n5p26 ISSN 1916-971X
Fascia B GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=1,03; H-index 20)
- Ivaldi E. Morchio E. (2014) Eco-Environmental Factors of Attractiveness of North Sardinia's Coastal Territory. Journal of Contemporary Management, 7(4):15-21, Better Advances Press, Toronto ISSN:1929-0128 (Print) ISSN:1929-0136 (Online)
- Bonatti G, Ivaldi E. Soliani R. (2014) Cultural, Relational and Social Participation in Italian Regions: Evidences from the Italian Context. Journal of Empirical Economics - vol. 3:193-207 ISSN:2310-3140
- Ivaldi E. (2013) A Proposal of a Country Risk Index Based on a Factoral Analysis: An Application to South Mediterranean and Central-East European Countries International Economics 66 I2:231-249
- Ivaldi E. (2013) Un'analisi del mercato della nautica da diporto in Italia (2005 - 2011): verso una ripresa possibile?, Il settore della nautica nel nord Sardegna, innovazione tecnologica, sviluppo competitivo e dinamica di crescita delle imprese eds by Alessio Tola, Franco Angeli 2013, pp. 37-51 ISBN 978-88-204-3883-8
- Burlando C., Ivaldi E., Tei A. (2013) Un’analisi della disuguaglianza nella dotazione di servizi di trasporto pubblico locale (2013), Rivista di economia e politica dei trasporti (REPT) n. 1 2013 ISSN 2282-6599
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,05; H-index 2)
- Quaglia A, Lillini R, Mamo C, Ivaldi E, Vercelli M; SEIH (Socio-Economic Indicators, Health) Working Group. Socio-economic inequalities (2012): A review of methodological issues and the relationships with cancer survival, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology Elsevier ISSN: 1040-8428
Fascia A non area 13 (IF5=4.28)
- Ivaldi E., Molinelli I. (2012) An Evaluation of the Economic Impact of an Abandoned Vessel: the Tan Trader Case – Journal of Contemporary Management n° 2 2012: pp 1-16 Better Advances Press, Toronto ISSN:1929-0128 (Print) ISSN:1929-0136 (Online)
- Burlando C., Ivaldi E. (2012) An indicator to measure inequality in the provision of local public transport in Italy – Review of Economics & Finance 2012 Vol 2, No 4 : pp 43-54 (2012) ISSN:1923-7529 (Print) ISSN:1923-8401(Online)
Fascia D GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,3; H-index 6)
- Soliani R., Di Gennaro A., Ivaldi E. (2012) An Index of the quality of life for European Country: evidence of deprivation from EU-Silc data – Review of Economics & Finance 2012 Vol 2, No 2: pp 1-14 (2012) Better Advances Press, Toronto ISSN:1923-7529 (Print) ISSN:1923-8401(Online)
Fascia D GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,3; H-index 6)
- Soliani R., Di Gennaro A., Ivaldi E. (2012) How deprivation affects life expectancy in France and Italy: comparative evidence from a factorial analysis, in Socioeconomic status and health implications, p. 145-162, Hauppauge, New York: Nova Publisher, ISBN: 9781621007333
- Ivaldi E., Testi A., Socio-Economic Conditions and Health in Europe: A Comparison among the 27 EU Countries (2012), in Social Inequalities eds Jeffrey D. Rowsen and Amanda P. Eliot chapter 5: pp 127-150, Nova Publisher ISBN: 978-1-61324-904-8)
- Testi A. Ivaldi E. Measuring Progress in Health through Deprivation Indexes (2011), Review of Economics & Finance 2011 – 2: pp 49-57 Better Advances Press, Toronto ISSN: 1923-7529 (print) ISSN: 1923-8401 (online)
Fascia D GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,3; H-index 6)
- E. Ivaldi, A Testi, Genoa Index of Deprivation (GDI): An Index of Material Deprivation for Geographical Areas (2011) in Social Indicators: Statistics, Trends and Policy Development eds Candace M. Baird,Chapter 4: pp 75-98 Nova Publisher Hauppauge, New York ISBN: 978-1-61122-841-0 )
- E. Ivaldi. I. Molinelli, La valutazione dell’impatto economico della nave abbandonata: il caso Tan Trader (2010), in Marittimi abbandonati, né in Terra né in Mare, Red@zione e Fondazione Migrantes, 2010 pp 41-60 ISBN 978-88-95470-24-5
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi, C. Cislaghi, Primi elementi per la costruzione di una tariffa nelle RSA:i predittori della complessità assistenziale (2010), Tendenze nuove, 1/2010: pp 9,28
- E. Ivaldi I., Molinelli (2009) I marittimi stranieri in Italia in A.A. V.V.Il Benessere dei lavoratori del mare e i servizi offerti dai 60 porti italiani (2009) pp 36-183, Red@zione 2009 ISBN 978-88-95470-15-3
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi, C. Verrico (2009) Un modello predittivo dell'intensità assistenziale delle cure domiciliari: analisi di un caso, Politiche Sanitarie, vol. 10 n.1: pp 22-33:: doi 10.1706/417.4950: ISSN online: 2038-1832 ISSN 1590-069x
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi, (2009) Material vs Social Deprivation and Health: a Case Study of in an Urban Area, The European Journal of Health Economics: Volume 10, Issue3; pp 323 - 328 ISSN: 1618-7598 (print version) ISSN: 1618-7601 (electronic version)
Fascia A ASN (IF5=2,0; H-index 28)
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi (2008), L’esercizio del diritto alla tutela della salute: accesso degli immigrati ai servizi sanitari in Regione Liguria, eds by Pasquale Costanzo, Silvia Mordeglia e Lara Trucco, Annali della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Genova, collana di monografie, Giuffré editore, Milano, 115:131
- A. Testi E. Ivaldi E. Copello F. (2007), Analisi della domanda di salute espressa dalla popolazione straniera irregolare in una regione italiana, Politiche Sanitarie – anno 8 numero 1:pp 19-27 doi 10.1706/267.3065 ISSN online: 2038-1832 ISSN 1590-069x
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- A. Testi E. Ivaldi E. Tanfani (2006), Analysis of migration impact on developed countries: a case study, The European Journal of Health Economics vol 7 suppl 1 July 2006 proceeding of 6th European Conference on Health Economics Budapest, July 6-9, 2006:s95
Fascia A ASN (IF5=2,0; H-index 28)
- A. Testi E. Tanfani E. Ivaldi (2006), Measuring The Efficiency Of Information And Communication Technology Investment In Health Care, The European Journal of Health Economics vol 7 suppl 1 July 2006 proceeding of 6th European Conference on Health Economics Budapest, July 6-9, 2006:s137
Fascia A ASN (IF5=2,0; H-index 28)
- A. Testi E. Ivaldi D. Zappavigna (2005), Le problematiche del sistema sanitario derivanti dai processi immigratori: analisi del caso Liguria – Economia e diritto del Terziario, 2, 2005:pp 623-643
Fascia E GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,19; H-index 4)
- A. Testi E. Ivaldi (2005) Una proposta di indicatore di deprivazione – Politiche Sanitarie 2, 2005: pp doi 10.1706/34.284, 67-77 ISSN online: 2038-1832 ISSN 1590-069x
Fascia E GEV 13 area Economics (IF5=0,13; H-index 4)
- A. Testi E. Ivaldi A Busi (2005), Caratteristiche e potenzialità informative degli indici di deprivazione – Tendenze nuove 2/2005: pp 111-124
- A.Testi, E. Ivaldi, E. Tanfani, M. F. Tomassi D. Zappavigna Una valutazione dell’impatto dell’investimento in ICT: il caso della Regione Liguria – ASI n° 6, 10 febbraio 2005
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi (2005) Quali bisogni per le politiche sociali locali. Una proposta di indicatore di deprivazione per valutare le condizioni socioeconomiche a livello di aree sottocomunali. in Fare impresa sociale in Liguria. Un percorso tra organizzazioni, bisogni e mercati eds by C. Benevolo, impressioni grafiche, Acqui Terme pp-221-248
- L. Persico, E. Ivaldi (2003) Applicazioni etiche dell’analisi sequenziale ASI n° 16
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi (2003) Elementi per il monitoraggio della mobilità ospedaliera in uscita: il caso ligure Mecosan n° 46: pp73-84 ISSN 1121-6921
Fascia E GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,13; H-index 3)
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi, F. Copello, F. Emanuelli (2003) Pacchetti di prestazioni alternative al ricovero ordinario: una proposta di tariffazione – ASI n° 23
- A. Testi, E. Ivaldi, F. Copello (2003) Analisi dell’efficacia di alternativi modelli di finanziamento degli ospedali: studio di un caso – Economia e Diritto del Terziario, Anno 15 n°1 pp 33-55
Fascia E GEV 13 area Administration (IF5=0,19; H-index 4)
- Libri o capitoli di libro didattici
- Ivaldi E. (2019) Elementi introduttivi alla statistica e al calcolo delle probabilità. Impressioni Grafiche ISBN 978-88-6195-306-2
- Ivaldi E., Santagata M., Legnaro D., Parisi P.S. (2019) Esercizi introduttivi alla statistica e al calcolo delle probabilità. Impressioni Grafiche ISBN 978-88-6195-305-5
- Gambini A., De Candia G, Ivaldi E., Persico L. (2004) Temi svolti di Statistica per gli studenti di Economia – ECIG, Genova ISBN 88-7544-013-1 pp 339
- Ivaldi E, Capponi F. (2003) Elementi di Sas System: applicazioni statistiche per l’analisi dei dati – ECIG, Genova ISBN 88-7545-970-3
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