Gianluca Cattani

[email protected]
Individual tutorial
Upon reservation to be agreed with the teacher by e-mail.
Gianluca Cattani is a partner of the law firm Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP since 2005 and is currently head of the Corporate M&A and Export Control departments of the Rome office. He has significant experience in corporate law, in the management of extraordinary transactions and international contracts, as well as in related national and international litigation. In his practice he has accrued national and international experience in M&A transactions, as well as in corporate law and compliance works for major multinational corporations. His compliance skills include also extensive knowledge of specific related regulatory areas, including capital markets, insurance and law and communication. He received an LLM in comparative law with a focus on M&A transactions from New York University School of Law. He was called by the IBA (International Bar Association) to write for Italy the guide on the reference legislation and techniques for structuring M&A transactions to support all foreign colleagues active in the sector and multinational companies affiliated to the IBA. He is one of the very few lawyers in Italy with experience in all areas of Export Control, including dual use, defence issues, and sanctions and embargo regulations. He is appointed as arbitrator in corporate and contractual disputes and has extensive experience in litigating corporate and compliance cases. He is admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court.
Education and Qualifications
2011 Admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Supreme Court (“Consiglio di Stato”);
2002 Master of Laws (LL.M) at New York University School of Law, master's degree in Comparative Jurisprudence;
1997 Admitted to the Italian Bar;
1993 University of Rome “La Sapienza” - Degree in law, summa cum laude.
Language abilities and skills
Italian mother tongue, good knowledge of English, French and Spanish languages
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal www.iulm.it. The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
2022: Autore di un Manuale su Trade Compliance, Export Control e Sanzioni Internazionali (in corso di pubblicazione);
2022: Italian Negotiated M&A Guide, International Bar Association, come parte dell'IBA Worldwide Negotiated M&A Guide - https://www.ibanet.org/document?id=NMAItaly;
2021 “Papers di diritto Europeo” dal titolo: Sanzioni internazionali: la Cassazione si pronuncia per la prima volta sulla definizione di «messa a disposizione di risorsa economica», Fascicolo II, 2021, pag. 83ss (Coautore);
2015 Manuale Teorico Pratico sull'Esportazione di Beni a Duplice Uso dal titolo: L’esportazione di Beni Dual USE – edito Maggiore Editore (Coautore);
2015 “Estinzione di Società e rapporti attivi pendenti: riflessioni sulla scorta della recente giurisprudenza della suprema corte” – Le Società, 3/2015, p. 305 (Coautore);
2002 L'affidamento congiunto e la faticosa opera dell'interprete (breve rassegna di dottrina e giurisprudenza sul tema), all'interno dell'opera monografica dal titolo: Affido congiunto e condivisione della genitorialità. Un contributo alla discussione in ambito psicogiuridico, a cura della Professoressa Marisa Malagoli Togliatti, edito da FrancoAngeli.
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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Strategic Communication