Revenue Management e Luxury: due masterclass

Università - Data pubblicazione 26 aprile 2021 - Data evento 05 maggio 2021

Il 5 maggio due masterclass sulla situazione post-Covid di questi settori

"Revenue Management. The present and future of the discipline" e "Will luxury be the same after pandemics?" sono i titoli delle due masterclass proposte dalla Prof.ssa Manuela De CarloCoordinatrice della Laurea magistrale in Hospitality and Tourism management e Direttrice del Master in International Tourism and Hospitality e Master in Luxury Business and Communication in IULM.

Entrambe le masterclass si terranno il 5 maggio in modalità streaming e saranno tenute rispettivamente da Damiano Zennaro di IDeaS Revenue Solutions e da Hélène Chenesseau della Excelia Business School di La Rochelle, in Francia. Di seguito il dettaglio:

Relatore: Damiano Zennaro, Consulting Services @ IDeaS.
Data: 5 maggio 2021
Orario: 11 am CEST
Titolo: Revenue management. The present and future of the discipline.
Abstract: Given the impact of Covid- 19, Revenue Management has undergone major changes in the last few years and is still constantly changing. How will RM strategy evolve in the future? What are the myths of revenue management? In what ways can revenue management be a driver for success in the recovery phase? Find out all this and more!
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Relatore: Hélène Chenesseau, Excelia Business School
Data: 5 maggio 2021
Orario: 2 pm CEST
Titolo:  Will luxury be the same after pandemics? 
Abstract: The pandemic impacted a range of different industries, including luxury. Scholars and practitioners are wondering: Has Covid brought a loss or a gain of interest in this sector?  How do digital platforms help to gain hold of international markets? What are the current and future trends and opportunities to capitalize? Discover the answers to these questions and more!
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