Articoli scientifici
(w/ Amenta C. and Riva Sanseverino E.), “Regulating blockchain for sustainability? The critical relationship between digital innovation, regulation, and electricity governance”, Energy Research & Social Science, 2021, 76, 102060.
“Distribuzione elettrica: pluralismo o monopolio?”, Energia, 2021, 42: 68-73.
“Bootleggers and Baptists Go Digital. The Economic Theories of Regulation in the Digital Environment”, The Independent Review, 2020, 25: 187-205.
“Dai PPA all'ETS: Un approccio orientato al beneficio ambientale”, Energia, 2020, 41: 58-64.
(w/ Belardinelli S.), “Il sistema autostradale italiano: efficacia ed efficienza”,, 2020, 9.
(w/ Amenta C., Di Croce G. and Lavecchia L.), “Managing the liberalization of Italy’s retail electricity market: A policy proposal”, Energy Policy, 2020, 137: 111150.
(w/ Lavecchia L.), “There ain’t no such thing as a free deed: the case of Italian notaries”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 2019, 47: 277-290.
(w/ Amenta C., Di Croce G. and Lavecchia L.), “Liberalizzazione elettrica e superamento della tutela: una proposta”, Energia, 2018, 1: 52-60.
“Competition and innovation in electricity retail markets”, Economic Affairs, 2017, 37(1): 85-101.
(w/ Lavecchia L.), “Notai: pubblici ufficiali o professionisti private? Evidenze da un esperimento di randomizzazione”, Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 2017, 1: 79-104.
“Privatisation in the EU Energy Sector: The Never Ending Story”, Economic Affairs, 2014, 34(2): 238-253.
(w/ Lavecchia L.), “Are Green Jobs Real Jobs? The Case of Photovoltaic Power in Italy”, Energy & Environment, 2014, 25(5): 953-970.
(w/ Benedettini S.), “Il trasporto ferroviario regionale in Italia: tracce di concorrenza?”, Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 2014, 16(2): pp.329-354.
Capitoli di libri
(w/ Benedettini S.), “Who are the customers with flexible demand, and how to find them?”, in Sioshansi F. (ed.), Variable Generation, Flexible Demand, 2020, London, Academic Press, 125-145.
(w/ Pammolli F.), “Quality of Institutions and Public Procurement”, in Bellettini G. and Goldstein A. (eds.), The Italian Economy after Covid-19, 2020, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 243-256.
(w/ Pammolli F.), “Qualità delle istituzioni e appalti pubblici”, in Bellettini G. and Goldstein A. (eds.), L’economia italiana dopo il Covid-19, 2020, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 243-258.
(w/ Benedettini S.), “Smart meters: the gate to behind-the-meter?”, in Sioshansi F. (ed.), Behind and Beyond the Meter. Digitalization, Aggregation, Optimization, Monetization, 2020, London, Academic Press, 251-260.
(w/ Benedettini S.), “Non desiderare le rendite d’altri”, in De Nicola A. and Cottarelli C. (eds.), I dieci comandamenti. Regole semplici per l’economia italiana, 2019, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino Editore.
(w/ Amenta C. and Lavecchia L.), “Il sequestro delle imprese mafiose: aspetti di efficacia ed efficienza”, in Ingrassia, R. (ed.), Economia, organizzazioni criminali e corruzione, 2018, Roma, Aracne, 59-82.
“Energy and Water Reuse”, in Eslamian S. (ed.), Urban Water Reuse Handbook, 2015, Boca Raton (FL, USA), CRC Press, 27-36.
(w/ Alberto Saravalle), Contro il sovranismo economico, 2020, Milano, Rizzoli.
(ed.) Cosa succede se usciamo dall’euro?, 2018, Torino, IBL Libri.
Power Cut? How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets, 2015, London, Institute of Economic Affairs.
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