Selected list of recent publications (2015-2023)
Sebastian Forkmann, Jonathan Webb, Stephan Henneberg, Lisa Scheer (2022). "Boundary Spanner Corruption: A Potential Dark Side of Multi-Level Trust in Marketing Relationships", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 889–914.
Marko Kohtamäki, Rodrigo Rabetino, Vinit Parida, David Sjödin, Stephan Henneberg (2022). Managing Digital Servitization toward Smart Solutions: Framing the Connections between Technologies, Business Models, and Ecosystems. Industrial Marketing Management,105, 253-267.
Julia Hartmann, Sebastian Forkmann, Sabine Benoit, Stephan Henneberg (2022). “Consumer Perspective on Managing the Consequences of Chain Liability”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58, 4, 58- 89.
Sebastian Forkmann, Ryan Mullins, Stephan Henneberg, Tom Baker (2022). “Choreographing Salesperson Face-to-face Visits with a Buyer Organization: A Social Network Perspective.”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 615–638.
Nima Heirati, Alexander Leischnig, Yumeng Zhang, Stephan Henneberg (2021). “Dark Side Effect Contagion”, Journal of Business Research, 130, 260-270.
Ronika Chakrabarti, Stephan Henneberg, Bjoern Ivens (2020). “Open Sustainability-Conceptualisation and Considerations”, Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 528-534.
Sabrina Thornton, Stephan Henneberg, Alexander Leischnig, Peter Naude (2019). “It’s in the Mix: How Firms Configure Resource Mobilization for New Product Success”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36, 4, 513-531.
Ghasem Zaefarian, Vita Kadile, Stephan Henneberg, Alexander Leischnig (2019). “First Things (Should) Come First”, Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 63-67.
Nima Heirati, Stephan Henneberg, Ansgar Richter, Peter Harste (2019). “Differential Importance of Social and Economic Determinants of Relationship Performance in Professional Services:, Industrial Marketing Management, 76, 23-35.
Sebastian Forkmann, Stephan Henneberg, Maciej Mitrega (2018). “Capabilities in Business Relationships and Networks: Research Recommendations and Directions”, Industrial Marketing Management, 74, 4- 26.
Sebastian Forkmann, Stephan Henneberg, Lars Witell, Daniel Kindstroem (2017). “Driver Configurations for Successful Service Infusion”, Journal of Service Research, 20, 3, 275-291
Ghasem Zaefarian, Vita Kadile, Stephan Henneberg, Alexander Leischnig (2017). “Endogeneity Bias in Marketing Research: Problem, Causes and Remedies”, Industrial Marketing Management, 65, 39-46.
Maciej Mitrega, Sebastian Forkmann, Ghasem Zaefarian, Stephan Henneberg (2017). “Networking Capability in Supplier Relationships and its Impact on Product Innovation and Firm Performance:, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37, 5, 577-606.
Ghasem Zaefarian, Christop Thiesbrummel, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2017). “Different Recipes for Success in Business Relationships”, Industrial Marketing Management, 63, 69-81.
Zsofia Toth, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2017). “Addressing the 'Qualitative' in fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis: The Generic Membership Evaluation Template”, Industrial Marketing Management, 63, 192-204.
Michael Burkert, Bjoern Ivens, Stephan Henneberg, Philip Schradi (2017). “Organizing for Value Appropriation: Configurations and Performance Outcomes of Price Management”, Industrial Marketing Management), 61, 194-209.
Ghasem Zaefarian, Sebastian Forkmann, Maciej Mitrega, Stephan Henneberg (2017). “A Capability Perspective on Relationship Ending and its Impact on Product Innovation Success and Firm Performance”, Long Range Planning, 50, 2, 184-199.
Sebastian Forkmann, Carla Ramos, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2017). “Understanding the Service Infusion Process as a Business Model Reconfiguration”, Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 151- 166.
Sebastian Forkmann, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude, Maciej Mitrega (2016). “Supplier Relationship Management Capability: A Qualification and Extension”, Industrial Marketing Management, 57, 185- 200.
Morten Abrahamsen, Stephan Henneberg, Lars Huemer, Peter Naude (2016). “Network Picturing: An Action Research Study of Strategizing in Business Networks”, Industrial Marketing Management, 59, 107-119.
Alexander Leischnig, Stephan Henneberg, Sabrina Thornton (2016). “Net versus Combinatory Effects of Firm and Industry Antecedents of Sales Growth”, Journal of Business Research, 69, 3576-3583.
Zhizhong Jiang, Eric Shiu, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2016). “Relationship Quality in Business to Business Relationships: Reviewing the Current Literature and Proposing a New Measurement Model”, Psychology & Marketing, 33,4, 297-313.
Ghasem Zaefarian, Zhaleh Najafi-Tavani, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2016). “Do Supplier Perceptions of Buyer Fairness Lead to Supplier Sales Growth?”, Industrial Marketing Management, 53, 160-171.
Bahar Ashnai, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude, Anthony Francescucci (2016). “Inter-personal and Inter- organizational Trust in Business Relationships”, Industrial Marketing Management, 52, 128-139.
Zhaleh Najafi-Tavani, Ghasem Zaefarian, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude, Axele Giroud, Ulf Andersson (2015). “Subsidiary Knowledge Development in Knowledge Intensive Business Services: A Configuration Approach”, Journal of International Marketing, 23/4, 22-43.
Alexander Leischnig, Bjoern Ivens, Stephan Henneberg ”(2015). When Stress Frustrates & When It Does Not: Configural Models of Frustrated versus Mellow Salespeople”, Psychology & Marketing, 32/11, 1098-1114.
Stefanos Mouzas, Stephan Henneberg (2015). “Intercognitive Representations in Business Networks”, Industrial Marketing Management, 48/6, 61-67.
Sabrina Thornton, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2015). “Network-Oriented Behaviors in Business-to- Business Markets: An Empirical Study”, Industrial Marketing Management, 49, 167-180.
Zsofia Toth, Christoph Thiesbrummel, Stephan Henneberg, Peter Naude (2015). “Understanding Configurations of Relational Attractiveness of the Customer Firm using fuzzy set QCA”, Journal of Business Research, 68, 723-734.
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