Beauty and sin

Small school of philosophy

School memories, sometimes not very pleasant, have accustomed us to thinking that philosophy is at home among dusty volumes and in the abstract thoughts of scholars far from reality. Maria Bettetini, with an amused approach and scientific rigour, finally brings philosophical thought back to the dimension that has been its own since ancient times: a beneficial exercise of the mind, useful to face even the problems of everyday life. By interweaving our lives with those, often very ordinary, of philosophers, we will perhaps be surprised to find many of the vices and weaknesses that distinguish us. But in this fun long-distance dialogue, we will also discover the importance of asking the right questions before we look for hasty answers. An invitation to discover the beauty with which philosophy can colour our lives, where you can surprise Aristotle in your kitchen at home, talk to Augustine under the sun umbrella, and even meet Hegel in the supermarket queue.