Electronic payments

With the new system, from 1 August 2021 it will no longer be possible to print MAV payment slips from your reserved area (while MAVs printed up to 31 July 2021 will still be payable). Each student will be able to print out the "avviso PagoPA" containing the information needed to pay at banks or authorised institutions from the "Tasse" ("Fees") page of their reserved area or proceed directly to making the payment online.

Please note:

  • many operators have maximum payment limits, which we recommend you check directly. In particular, SisalPay or Lottomatica points have a cash payment limit of EUR 999.99 and EUR 1,499.99 if payment is made by credit card;
  • payment in cash is subject to the legal limits to be verified with the authorised operator you are using.
  • If the PagoPa/CBILL circuits are not enabled, we recommend that you use the "Scrigno Pago Facile" service of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio. Furthermore, once activated, we recommend that you use the Carta Ateneo student card to make payments (activate Carta Ateneo), again by using the “Scrigno Pago Facile” service.




To print the “avviso pagoPA”


  • use the “Paga con PagoPA” button to carry out payment online.

Remember that you must keep all receipts for payments made until completion of your studies, both for tax purposes and for possible checks.

If you encounter technical problems when making your payment, you can request support by writing to:  [email protected]

For support on regulatory issues and deadlines, in addition to the dedicated section on this page you can contact the Registrar's Office or the Fees Office.

If you are not up to date with the payment of the fees and contributions due, including additional fees for late payment, you may not carry out any course-related procedures (e.g. registration of exams taken, transfer to another university or transfer to another course of study, admission to the final degree examination).

To check your current fee payment situation:

  • Log in to the online services https://servizionline.iulm.it/Home.do
  • Select the “Menu” icon in the top right-hand corner, click on “Login” and enter your authentication credentials to access the ”Area Riservata” (“Reserved Area”)
  • select “Segreteria” then “Tasse” (“Fees”)



The "SCRIGNO Pago Facile" service of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio has been designed to allow you to conveniently pay online the "avviso di pagamento PagoPa" payment slips relating to university fees and contributions.

Through the "SCRIGNO Pago Facile" service of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio it is possible to pay online (also using your credit card) the "avviso di pagamento PagoPa" payment slips issued by IULM University relating to university fees and contributions.

To carry out the payment online:

  • Print the “avviso di pagamento PagoPa”
  • Select the anonymous user box at https://scrigno.popso.it/PagoFacile/servlet/SeBenvenuto
  • Select “Pagamento con avviso (predeterminato)” and the option “PagoPa”.
  • Enter the “codice avviso” (notice of payment code) and the “codice ente creditore” (creditor’s code) shown on the IULM notice of payment. Finally, select “Prosegui” (Continue)
  • Choose from the available payment methods (Internet Banking - only for customers of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio-, credit card or Bankpass Web for all customers of other credit institutions)