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IULM University, within a framework of institutional partnerships, organizes competitions for high schools aimed at raising the students' awareness of issues such as terrritorial valorisation, the preservation of artistic and cultural heritage, creative writing, and social communication. These are areas of strategic importance from a social, economic, political and cultural point of view, which offer professional career opportunities to suitably trained figures. Hence the importance of bringing young people closer to these issues in an entertaining way.
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WHY ARE WE (NOT) THE PEOPLE? On the occasion of Bookcity 2018, IULM has launched the competition "Why are we (not) the people", a literary contest that was born from the invitation of the University to young students of Milanese high schools, to confront and express their creativity on a theme - populism - which is of great relevance today and that calls into question not only history but also politics, the media and the forms of social, economic and cultural relations that characterize our present. The direct appeal to the people as an element of legitimacy and exaltation of the leader was in fact a constant in the history of the twentieth century, reaching its dramatic peak in totalitarian regimes and in some authoritarian experiences. Forms of populism, however, can also be manifested in democratic contexts. An invitation to discuss a very topical issue. The construction of a populist discourse has always had to draw, at an ideological level, on the exaltation of a leader as representative and leader of an idealized mass, which is flattered and manipulated, identifying danger in external enemies. At an operational level, populism has always had to resort to structures of mobilization (parties, trade unions, educational facilities etc.), making extensive use of the means of communication available. If in the first half of the twentieth century a decisive role was played by print, radio and photography, together with the squares full of crowds celebrating the leader of the moment, in the second half television, cinema, and advertising imposed themselves. At the beginning of the 21st century, the internet and social networks are redefining patterns, changing the forms of language and consensus. The invitation is, therefore, to write a short story that, looking at the past, describing the present or trying to imagine a possible future, revolves around the idea of populism and its transformations. On the competition website you will find some content that we hope will stimulate our work. Read how to take part, download the regulations and get to work. Your story could be one of the winners.