Eligible students and/or beneficiaries of regional scholarships for the academic year 2020/2021, enrolled in the first year of the course in the academic year 2020/2021, are informed that on November 12 2021 the payment of the reimbursement of the enrolment fee and university fees, in addition to the reimbursement of the regional fee for eligible students who are not beneficiaries, was ordered. Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the Card Ateneo Più of the students concerned.
From January 2021, the free or discounted catering service dedicated to students assisted by the Tax Office - DSU, will be provided through a new procedure.
The canteen cards issued by the Office and assigned to eligible students will no longer be active.
To use the service, according to the usual procedures, it will be necessary to download a special App (IULM Eat) already available in the Stores on your mobile device.
Once you have downloaded and installed the IULM Eat App on your mobile device, you will need to access the Sportello tasse - DSU https://iulm-sol.dirittoallostudio.it/apps/V3.1/sol/public/ and activate the App through the function ““Attivazione APP Accesso Mensa – Generazione QrCode per l’attivazione APP Accesso Mensa”". Access will be allowed only to students with a valid right of use.
You will find here the instructions for activating the new service
Payment of the first installment of the regional scholarship a.y. 2020/2021 was made on 9 December 2020. Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the University Card for IULM students.
Students who are beneficiaries of the Regional Scholarships for the academic year 2019/2020, enrolled in years of study subsequent to the first, who were ordered on 20 July 2020 the payment of refunds of the registration fee and university fees.
Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the Card Ateneo Più of the students concerned
On 02/07/2020 the provisional rankings of eligibility for the assignment of bed places at University Residences for the academic year 2020/2021 were published.
The results can be consulted through Sportello Tasse/DSU (esito graduatorie).
Students who are found to be ineligible may apply for a review of the result by July 10, 2020, using the form available on the online results page (presenta ricorso).
Eligible students and/or beneficiaries of regional scholarships for the academic year 2018/2019, enrolled in the first year of the course in the academic year 2018/2019, are informed that on December 3, 2019 the payment of the reimbursement of the enrolment fee and university fees, in addition to the reimbursement of the regional fee for eligible students who are not beneficiaries, was ordered. Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the Card Ateneo Più of the students concerned
Students who are beneficiaries of the Regional Scholarships for the academic year 2018/2019, enrolled in years of study subsequent to the first, who were ordered on 25 July 2019 the payment of refunds of the registration fee and university fees.
Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the Card Ateneo Più of the students concerned
Click here to download the Rectoral Decree that updates and integrates the regional calls for tenders a.a 2019/2020 for the allocation of economic benefits (scholarships) and services (beds in a university residence)
Students who are beneficiaries of the regional scholarship for the academic year 2018/2019, enrolled in years subsequent to the first, are informed that the payment of the balance of the benefit was ordered on 14/06/2019.
Payment will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates of the Card Ateneo +