Quality Control Commission

This is the body that oversees the Quality Assurance procedures for teaching and research activities, also in compliance with the guidelines of the ANVUR national system of self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation.


The IULM University Quality Control Commission is made up as follows:

Prof. Guido Formigoni Chair
Prof.ssa Vanessa Gemmo Member
Prof. Aurelio Giovanni Mauri Member
Prof. Enrico Ivaldi Member
Prof.ssa Federica Ricceri Member
Dott.ssa Ester Fuoco Member
Dott.ssa Alessia Forciniti Member
Dott. Giuseppe Vergani Member
Sig. Matteo Niccolò Leone

Functions and competences
The Quality Control Commission is responsible for the Quality Assurance of the University (AQ) through:

  • the implementation of the quality policy defined by the governing bodies of the University
  • the organization and supervision of QA tools (models, data, training and information), also with reference to the management of information flows
  • the organization and monitoring of surveys of the opinion of students, undergraduates and graduates on the educational opportunities and services of the University
  • support for those responsible for educational and scientific facilities and services for the information and training of staff for the purposes of the QA
  • support for the representatives of the courses of study and of the University bodies responsible for the activities of AQ
  • the verification of the updating of the information contained in the SUA-CdS of the courses of study and in the SUA-RD of the institutes of the University
  • the organization and verification of the uniform conduct of QA procedures, self-evaluation and review of courses of study and scientific research activities
  • the organization and verification of information flows from and to the Assessment Board and the teacher-student Joint Commissions
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of improvement measures and their actual consequences

You can watch the video of the AQ system of Athenaeum here

Decree of appointment of the Quality Presidium  Rectoral Decree n. 20634 of April 5, 2024