Alberto Sebastiani's research focuses on Italian Literature of XX century, comic language and the interaction between literature and other languages. He has written several essays regarding Silvio D'Arzo, Dino Buzzati, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Valerio Evangelisti. For the published studies: Nicolas Eymerich. Il lettore e l’immaginario in Valerio Evangelisti (Odoya 2018), Padre nostro. Riscritture civili di una preghiera tra musica e letteratura (EDB 2020); he edited Silvio D’Arzo's Opere (Mup 2003, with E. Orlandini e S. Costanzi), Lettere (Mup 2004), Gec dell’Avventura (Einaudi 2020), Le tribolazioni del Povero Bobby (Officina libraria 2023) and Casa d'altri e altri universi (BUR 2023); he also edited the three volumes of Valerio Evangelisti's «Ciclo di Eymerich» (Mondadori 2019) and Le strade di Alphaville. Conflitto, immaginario e stili nella paraletteratura (Odoya 2022). Finally, he edited the volume of essays dedicated to Evangelisti L’insurrezione immaginaria. Valerio Evangelisti autore, militante e teorico della paraletteratura (Mimesis 2023, with S. Moiso).
He created and edited the book series dedicated to comic language “Conversazioni a vignetta” (Clueb, 2012-2013) and “Nuove conversazioni a vignetta” (I libri di Emil, 2014-2024). During 2021 he also created and edited the scientific column “Derive e frontiere. Scorribande nella lingua e nei linguaggi di fumetto e fantascienza” for «Lingua italiana –». He is member of Fondo Luigi Bernardi's and Fondo D'Arzo-Macchioni Jodi's scientific committees, and for the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culutre he has been member of the Evaluation Commission for the financing of proposal for the promotion of Comics Culture and Contemporary Comics in Italy and abroad (2021). He has also been in the jury of the Comics category at the BolognaRagazzi Award of the Bologna Children's Book Fair (2022), in the Quality Jury of the Romics Awards (2023) and in the jury of the Competition for Young Illustrators organized by AIB (Italian Library Association).
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