PUBLICATIONS (2018-21 Peer-reviewed scientific articles)
Varnajot, A. & J. Saarinen (2021). After glaciers? Towards Post-Arctic Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research,
Hall, C.M. & J. Saarinen (2021). 20 years of Nordic climate change crisis and tourism research: A review and future research agenda. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, (in press). Doi:
Santarém, F., Saarinen, J. & J.C. Brito (2021). Assessment and prioritization of cultural ecosystem services in the Sahara-Sahelian region. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 777, 10 July 2021, 146053 (pp.1-14).
Harilal, V., Tichaawa, T. & Saarinen, J (2021). The Impacts of Ecotourism and Conservation Measures in Protected Areas on Local Communities in Cameroon. Tourism Review International. DOI:
Hoogendoorn, G., Stockigt, L., Saarinen, J. & J.M. Fitchett (2021) Adapting to climate change: the case of snow-based tourism in Afriski, Lesotho, African Geographical Review, 40(1), 92–104.
Ngoni, S. & Saarinen, J. (2021). Community perceptions on the benefits and challenges of Community-based natural resources management in Zimbabwe. Development Southern Africa,
Saarinen, J. (2021). Tourism for change: Change management towards sustainable tourism development. In Saarinen, J. and J.M. Rogerson (eds) Tourism, Change and the Global South, pp. 15-32. Routledge, Abingdon.
Saarinen, J. & J.M. Rogerson (2021). Tourism and change: Issues and challenges in the Global South. In Saarinen, J. and J.M. Rogerson (eds) Tourism, Change and the Global South, pp. 3-14. Routledge, Abingdon.
Saarinen, J. (2021). ‘Leave no one behind’: Towards sustainable innovations in tourism development. In I. Booyens & P. Brouder (Eds), Handbook of Innovation for Sustainable Tourism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (in press).
Saarinen, J. (2021). Sustainable growth in tourism? Rethinking and resetting sustainable tourism for development. In C. Michael Hall, Linda Lundmark and Jasmine Zhang (Eds), Degrowth and Tourism: New perspectives on tourism entrepreneurship, destinations and policy, pp. 135-151. Routledge, London.
Saarinen, J. (2021). Wilderness tourism: Nature-based tourist experiences in wild places. In R. Sharpley (ed.), Handbook of Tourist Experiences. Routledge, London.
Saarinen, J. &. S. Wall-Reinius (2021). Conclusions: Geographies of exclusive spaces in tourism - future issues. In Saarinen, J. &. S. Wall-Reinius (Eds). Tourism enclaves: Geographies of exclusive spaces in tourism. Routledge: London.
Adu-Ampong, E.A., Kimbu, A.N. and J. Saarinen (2021). Reconsidering sustainability in tourism policy and planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: a research agenda. In Adu-Ampong, E.A. and Kimbu, A.N. (Eds), Sustainability in Tourism Policy and Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Past, The Present and The Future. Routledge, London.
Santarém, F., Saarinen, J. & J.C. Brito (2020). Mapping and analysing cultural ecosystem services in conflict areas. Ecological Indicators, 110, 105943
Saarinen, J., Moswete, N., Athlopheng, J. & W. Hambira (2020). Changing socio-ecologies of Kalahari: Local perceptions towards environmental change and tourism in Kgalagadi, Botswana. Development Southern Africa, 37(5), 855-870 (
Hambira, W., Saarinen, J. & O. Moses (2020). Climate change policy in a world of uncertainty: Changing environment, knowledge and tourism in Botswana. African Geographical Review, 39(3), 252-266. DOI:
Demiroglu, O.C., Lundmark, L., Saarinen, J. & D. Muller (2020). The last resort? Ski tourism and climate change in Arctic Sweden. Journal of Tourism Futures,6(1), 91-101. DOI: 10.1108/JTF-05-2019-0046
Saarinen, J. (2020). Tourism and sustainable development goals: Research on sustainable tourism geographies. In Saarinen, J. (Ed.), Tourism and sustainable development goals: Research on sustainable tourism geographies, pp. 1–10. London, Routledge.
Kimaro, E. & J. Saarinen (2020). Tourism and poverty alleviation in the Global South: Emerging corporate social responsibility in the Namibian nature-based tourism industry. In Stone, M., Lenao, M. & N. Moswete (Eds), Natural Resources, Tourism and Community Livelihoods in Southern Africa, pp. 123-142. Routledge, London.
Saarinen, J (2019). What are Wilderness Areas for? Tourism and Political Ecologies of Wilderness Uses and Management in the Anthropocene. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 27(4), 472-487. Doi:
Saarinen, J. & A. Varnajot (2019). The Arctic in tourism: Complementing and contesting perspectives on tourism in the Arctic. Polar Geography, 42(2), 109-124. Doi:
Chiutsi, S. & J. Saarinen (2019). The limits of inclusivity and sustainability in transfrontier peace parks: Case of Sengwe community in Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area, Zimbabwe. Critical African Studies, 11(3), 348-360.
Santarém, F,. Saarinen, J. Brito, J. & P. Pereira (2019). New method to identify and map flagship fleets for promoting conservation and ecotourism. Biological Conservation, 229, 113-124. Doi:
Saarinen, J. & S. Wall-Reinius (2019). Enclaves in tourism: Producing and governing exclusive spaces for tourism. Tourism Geographies, 21(5), pp. 739-748. Doi:
Wieckowski, M. & J. Saarinen (2019). Tourism Transitions and Changes, and the Creation of New Spaces and Places in Central-Eastern Europe. Geographia Polonica 92 (4), 92, 369-377
Santarém, F., Saarinen, J., Brito, J.C. (2019). Desert Conservation and Management: Ecotourism. In: Goldstein MI, DellaSala DA (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, 2, 259-273. DOI:
Saarinen, J. (2019). Communities and sustainable tourism development: Community impacts and local benefit creation tourism. In Stephen F. McCool and Keith Bosak (Eds), A Research Agenda for Sustainable Tourism, pp. 206-222. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Brouder, P. & J. Saarinen (2019). Co-evolution and resilient regions: Moving towards sustainable tourism development. In Saarinen, J. & A. M. Gill (Eds). Resilient Destinations: Governance Strategies in the Transition towards Sustainability in Tourism, pp. 67-76. London, Routledge.
Paasi, A., Prokkola, E-K., Saarinen, J. & K. Zimmerbauer (2019). Borderless worlds – for whom? In Paasi, A., Prokkola, E-K., Saarinen, J. & K. Zimmerbauer (Eds), Borderless Worlds for Whom? Ethics, Moralities and Mobilities (pp. 1-17). Routledge: London.
Gill, A.M. & J. Saarinen (2019). Conclusions: Challenges and opportunities in the transition towards sustainability. In Saarinen, J. & A. M. Gill (Eds). Resilient Destinations: Governance Strategies in the Transition towards Sustainability in Tourism, pp. 189-196. London, Routledge.
Saarinen, J. & A.M. Gill (2019). Tourism, resilience and governance strategies in the transition towards sustainability. In Saarinen, J. & A. M. Gill (Eds). Resilient Destinations: Governance Strategies in the Transition towards Sustainability in Tourism, pp. 15-33. London, Routledge.
Saarinen, J. & A. M. Gill (2019). Introduction: Placing resilience in the sustainability frame. In Saarinen, J. & A. M. Gill (Eds). Resilient Destinations: Governance Strategies in the Transition towards Sustainability in Tourism, pp. 3-12. London, Routledge.
Saarinen, J. (2019). Not a Serious Subject?! Academic Relevancy and Critical Tourism Geographies. In. Muller, D. (Ed.). Tourism Geographies: A Research Agenda. Edgar Elgar.
Saarinen, J. (2018). Beyond growth thinking: the need to revisit sustainable development in tourism. Tourism Geographies 20(2): 337-340. Doi:
Vyasha, H., Tichaawa, T., & J. Saarinen (2018). ’Development without policy’: Tourism planning and research needs in Cameroon, Central Africa. Tourism Planning & Development 16:6, 696-705.
Mushawemhuka, W., Rogerson, J. & J. Saarinen (2018). Nature-based tourism operators’ perceptions and adaptation to climate change in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series, 42, 115–127.
Sarkki, S., Heikkinen, H.I., Herva, V-P. & J. Saarinen (2018). Myths on local use of natural resources and social equity of land use governance: Reindeer herding in Finland. Land Use Policy, 77: 322–331.
Santarém, F., Campos, J.C., Perreira, P., Hamidou, D., Saarinen, J. & J.C. Brito (2018). Using multivariate statistics to assess ecotourism potential of water-bodies: a case-study in Mauritania. Tourism Management, 67: 34-46.
Tervo-Kankare, K., Kajan, E. & J. Saarinen (2018). Costs and Benefits of Environmental Change: Tourism Industry’s Responses in Arctic Finland. Tourism Geographies 20(2): 202-223.
Tervo-Kankare, K., Saarinen, J. Moswete, N. & E. Kimaro (2018). Nature-Based Tourism Operators' Responses to Changing Environment and Climate in Uis, Namibia. African Geographical Review 37(3), 273–282.
Rogerson, C.M. & J. Saarinen (2018). Tourism for Poverty Alleviation: Issues and Debates in the Global South. In Chris Cooper, Serena Volo, William C. Gartner and Noel Scott (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Tourism Management: Applications of Theories and Concepts to Tourism (pp. 22-37). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hall, C.M, Saarinen, J., Rogerson, C. (2018). Reconsidering 'Development' in Tourism Research Geography. In Saarinen, J., Rogerson, C. & C.M. Hall (Eds), Tourism Planning and Development: Contemporary Cases and Emerging Issues (pp. 219–226). London, Routledge.
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