Neuhofer, B. and Dulbecco, M.L. (2024). The phases of self in transformative tourism experiences. Annals of Tourism Research.
Neuhofer, B. (2024b) Transformative Experience Integration: A Conceptual Analysis. The Service Industries Journal.
Dieteren, N. & Neuhofer, B. (2024b). Transformative Event Experiences: A Multi-Stakeholder Value Co-Creation And Co-Destruction Perspective. Event Management Journal.
Dieteren, N. & Neuhofer, B. (2024a). Transformative Experience: Exploring The Role of Experience Facilitators. The Service Industries Journal.
Neuhofer, B. (2024a) Positive tourism experiences for human transformation: A Horizon 2050 paper. Tourism Review.
Neuhofer, B., Celuch, K. & Rihova, I. (2024) The future of transformative events: An event leaders’ perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Celuch, K. and Neuhofer, B. (2024) Transformative Event Experiences: A Visual In-Situ Study of Change. Current Issues in Tourism.
Chevtaeva, E., Neuhofer, B., Egger, R. and Rainoldi, M. (2024) Travel while working remotely: A topological data analysis of well-being in the remote work trips experience. Journal of Travel Research, 63(2), pp. 466-480.
Celuch, K. and Neuhofer, B. (2024) Towards Transformative Event Experiences: State of the Art and Future Research. Event Management.
Neuhofer, B., Egger, R., Yu, J. and Celuch, K. (2021). Designing Experiences in the Age of Human Transformation: An analysis of Burning Man. Annals of Tourism Research.
Grundner, L. and Neuhofer, B. (2021). The Bright and Dark Sides of Artificial Intelligence: A Futures Perspective on Tourist Experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, p. 19.
Neuhofer, B., Magnus, B. and Celuch, K. (2020). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Event Experiences: A Scenario Technique Approach. Electronic Markets. pp. 601-617.
Neuhofer, B., Celuch, K. and To, L. (2020). The Psychological Dimensions of Transformative Festival Experiences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 32 (9), pp. 2881-2901.
Simon, O., Neuhofer, B. and Egger, R. (2020). Human-Robot Interaction: Conceptualising Trust in Frontline Teams through LEGO® Serious Play®. Tourism Management Perspectives, p. 35.
Sarlay, S. and Neuhofer, B. (2020). Sharing Economy Disrupting Aviation: Travelers’ Willingness to Pay. Tourism Review. 76 (3), pp. 579-593.
Femenia-Serra, F., Neuhofer, B. and Ivars-Baidal, J. (2019). Towards a Conceptualisation of Smart Tourists and their Role within the Smart Destination Scenario. The Service Industries Journal, 39 (2), pp. 109-133.
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