1. Murphy, K. S, Torres, E., Ingram, W., Hutchinson, J. (2018). A Review of High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) Literature and Recommendations for Future Research in the Hospitality Industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30 (1). (SSCI journal)
2. Harris, K.J., DiPietro, R.B., Murphy, K.S., Line, N. (2017). Foodservice workers compliance behavior with Sanitation Inspections. International Journal of Hospitality, Management. In Press. (SSCI journal)
3. Murphy, K. S., Severt, D., Orlowski, M. (2016) Commitment and conflict in the restaurant industry: Perceptions from the Generation Y viewpoint. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15378020.2016.1206772
4. Harris, K.J., Murphy, K. S., DiPietro, R.B., Rivera, G., (2015). Food Safety Inspections Results: A Comparison of Ethnic-Operated Restaurants to Non-Ethnic-Operated Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 190-199. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2015.02.004 (SSCI journal)
5. Murphy, K. S., Bilgihan, A., Boseo, M. & Kubickova, M. (2014) There is no ‘I’ in recovery: Hotel Managements’ perspective of Service Recovery. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2014.902348.
6. Murphy, K. S., Khan, M. (2014). Cultural Dimensions In A Restaurant Setting. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Case Studies. 3 (3) 21-24.
7. Murphy, K. S., Semrad, K. & Yost, E. (2013). The Impact of Discounting Room Rates on In-house Restaurant Sales, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. 14, 1-15.
8. Murphy, K., Croes, R. and Chen, P. (2012). Agricultural y Turismo International: El Modelo de Slow Food para Promover la Agricultura Local y Expandir Oportunidades para los Pobres en America Latina. Dialogos, Octubre, 65-82.
9. Murphy, K.S. (2011). An Exploratory Study of Global Issues Impacting the Future of Tourism in Aruba, ARA Caribbean Journal of Tourism Research. 3 (1), pp 5-18. (Lead Article)
10. Murphy, K.S., DiPietro, R.B., Kock, G., & Lee, J. (2011). Does Mandatory Food Safety Training and Certification for Restaurant Employees Improve Inspection Outcomes? International Journal of Hospitality Management. 30 (1), pp 150-156. (SSCI journal)
11. Murphy, K. S., & Williams, J. A. (2010). Human Resource Management High Performance Work Practices and Contextual Setting, Does Industry Matter? A Comparison of the U.S. Restaurant Sector to the Manufacturing Industry, Journal of Food Service Business Research 13 (4), pp. 283-303. (Lead Article)
12. Murphy, K. S. (2009). Strategic Human Resource Management Performance Metrics for Unit-Level Managers: An Exploratory Study of U.S. Casual Restaurants. Hospitality Review 27 (2) pp. 20-41.
13. Murphy, K. S., Olsen, M.D. (2009). Dimensions of a High Performance Management System: an Exploratory Study of the U.S. Casual Restaurant Segment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21 (7) pp. 836-853. (SSCI journal)
14. Murphy, K. S., Murrmann, S. (2009). The Research Design Used to Develop a High Performance Management System Construct for U.S. Restaurant Managers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28 (4) pp. 547-555. (SSCI journal)
15. Murphy, K. S., DiPietro, R.B., Rivera, M., Muller, C. (2009 ). An Exploratory Case Study of Factors That Impact the Turnover Intentions and Job Satisfaction of Multi-unit Managers in the Casual Theme Segment of the US Restaurant Industry. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 12 (3) pp. 200-218. (Lead Article)
16. Murphy, K. S., (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management - high performance people system as core competencies. Handbook of Strategic Hospitality Management. London: Elsevier. Olsen, M. D., Zhao, J. L., Pizam, A., editors. pp. 267-300.
17. Murphy, K.S., DiPietro, R.B. & Murrmann, S. (2007). A Proposed Research Agenda For the Refinement of the High Performance Work System Construct in U.S. Casual Dining Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 8 (4) pp. 99-106.
18. Murphy, K. S. (2007). A Proposed Framework for Measuring Human Resource Intangible Value in Restaurant Organizations Using Economic Value Added. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 10 (3) pp. 3-23. (Lead Article)
19. Murphy, K.S., & DiPietro, R.B. (2005). Management Compensation as a Value-Added Competitive Method for Casual Theme Restaurants. FIU Hospitality Review, 23 (2) pp. 33-42.
20. Murphy, K. S., & Williams, J. A. (2004). The Impact of Compensation on the Turnover Intentions of Outback Steakhouse Managers. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 7(1), pp. 63-80.
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