Enrico Bocedi is Corporate Communications Director at Campari Group. In this role he is responsible for the global corporate communications strategy and activities, including: international media relations, corporate events, group communication guidelines, corporate website (www.camparigroup.com), corporate branding, editorial plan for corporate social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube corporate accounts), coordination of the international PR community.
He is also responsible for global crisis communications management and for the executive team media trainings.
Since May 2017 he expanded his responsibilities to the Group internal communications, covering: internal communications strategy and campaigns, internal social network, global intranet, the Campari TV channel (production and anchoring).
Prior to his current role, Enrico has gathered several years of experience in major global PR firms such as Publicis Consultants and Burson Marsteller, where he covered the role of Senior Associate until 2013. During his career, Enrico gained relevant international experience both in corporate communication within the FMCG sector and crisis communication in challenging situations.
Corporate Communications, Crisis Communications, Media relations, Internal Communications, Corporate branding.
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