Superman, Batman, Tex, 007, Harry Potter and other imaginary figures

This book is ideally linked to Monsters. Dracula, King Kong, Alien, Twilight and other figures of the imaginary, released in this same series in 2013; but while that dealt with some disturbing and terrifying characters of our imagination, this is dedicated to extremely positive and beloved figures: the heroes. In the history of modern societies, in fact, there are many heroes created in literature, in comics or in cinema; figures who, even with the passing of generations, continue to play a fundamental role in the definition of our identity as individuals and members of a society. Thanks to the writings of some important authors and scholars - Alberto Abruzzese, Paola Bonvecchio Yachaya, Sergio Brancato, Antonio Caronia, Goffredo Fofi, Michel Maffesoli, Giuseppe Sacco, Walter Veltroni - some of the best known and most followed heroes are analysed here: Superman, Batman, the Marvel Superheroes, Tex, 007, Indiana Jones, Rambo and Harry Potter. A journey into adventures, so risky and challenging, thanks to which our heroes become aware of themselves and reach the end of their path of learning, reaching the fullness of their personality. And with them, us too.