Working Group Employee Communication @CERC
Year 2016
The Working Group Employee Communication (WG_EC) of the Centre for Employee Relations and Communication (CERC) is a special two-year project in partnership with 15 companies.
The purposes of the WG_EC @CERC are:
- to carry out research programmes in the field of relations and communication with employees, each lasting two years and focused on a theme agreed with the members at the start of the two-year work period;
- to develop and disseminate a culture of managing relations and communicating with employees on a scientific basis;
- to promote knowledge exchange between IULM University and companies.
The Scientific Committee ensures links with the most important international centres of excellence on the subject.
The following topics have been explored in the last four years through research projects or during meetings reserved for partners and which have also been the subject of dissemination:
- Employee engagement in Italian companies;
- Work engagement factors: the case of job hoppers and contingency workers;
- Report on internal communication in Italian companies. Communication and organizational relations for competitive advantage;
- Public risk communication: a cross-national study, in collaboration with the University of Georgia (USA), the Victoria State Emergency Service (Australia) and the Queensland University of Technology (Australia);
- Voice and silence in organisations;
- Simplification of internal communication;
- Digitisation of internal communication;
- Internal social media;
- Measurement of internal communication;
- Role of employees as employee ambassadors;
- CSR and employee involvement
The following companies supported the WG_EC @CERC during the two-year periods 2016-2018 and 2018-2020:
- Campari
- Coopselios
- Cromology Italy
- Eni
- Ferrero
- Sella Group
- Henkel
- LFoundry
- MM
- Natuzzi Group
- NH Hotels
- Sanofi
- Saras
- Snam
- Unicoop Florence
- Unipol
- Vodafone
- Whirlpool