Regional Scholarships

Criteria for the granting of Extraordinary Grants - academic year 2024/2025

Deadline for submission of applications: 20 December 2024

Regional Scholarships

Regional Scholarships - IULM students - academic year 2024/2025

Deadline for submission of applications: 16 September 2024

Click to download the Call for Proposals where you will find all the information on the requirements, deadlines and methods of awarding regional scholarships. You can fill out the application through the Sportello Tasse - DSU link

Regional Scholarships

First extension rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024

The first extension rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. were published on 16 May 2024. The scholarships were awarded, by scrolling down the rankings, to students enrolled in subsequent years, thanks to the funds of the PNRR.
The results can be consulted through the Sportello Tasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2023/2024).
Payment of the benefit will take place after the disbursement of the PNRR funds by the MUR.

Regional Scholarships

Fourth extension rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2022/2023

The fourth extension rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. were published on 23 January 2024. The scholarships were awarded by scrolling down the rankings.

The results can be consulted through the Sportello Tasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2022/2023).

Payment of the benefit will take place at the end of February 2024.
Regional Scholarships

Final rankings Regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024

The final rankings for the assignment of the regional scholarship a.y. 2023/2024 were published on 21 November 2023. The results are available through the SportelloTasse - DSU (ranking results - a.y. 2023/2024). The payment of the first rate benefit will take place, by crediting the Ateneo Più Card, by 31/12/2023.

Sportello Tasse/DSU
Sportello Tasse/DSU

Contribution bands and financial benefits

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