Guide for students

Coronavirus emergency. Teaching in presence suspended until the end of the 2nd semester. Extraordinary plan for online teaching
In order to limit the difficulties experienced by students and teachers due to the suspension of classroom activities - scheduled until May 3rd - for the Coronavirus emergency, IULM University provides students and teachers with an e-learning platform, accessible with University credentials to offer online teaching content.

The tool used is Microsoft Teams. On the Online Teaching page, through the appropriate table it is possible to identify - thanks to the search function for teacher, teaching or degree course - the password that will be entered into the Teams platform (under "Partecipa a un team con un codice") to follow the online lesson.

If you attended a teaching course in a previous academic year and you can't find it in this list, click here here, enter the name of your degree course and the teaching you are looking for. You will find the name of the teaching of the academic year 2019/20 and the password associated with it.

For online teaching assistance write to [email protected].

Course type Course of studies Teaching Surname Name Password Exam procedure
Course type Course of studies Teaching Surname Name Password Exam procedure