- (Working paper) Maccioni, S., d’Angella F., De Carlo, M. (2024). Exploring Development Strategies for Sustainable Destinations: Triggers and Levels of Maturity. Submitted to Sustainable Futures.
- (Working paper) Maccioni S., Ennas, G., Ghiringhelli, C., Virili, F. (2024). The Interplay of HRM, Sustainability, and Performance: Insights from Italian Small Enterprises. Submitted to Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal.
- (Posted paper) D’Angella, F., De Carlo, M., Maccioni, S. (2024). L’importanza del monitoraggio per lo sviluppo di strategie sostenibili delle DMO: Un’analisi esplorativa. Volume SIDREA.
- Maccioni, S., Ghiringhelli, C. and Datteri, E. (2024), "Navigating the unlearning landscape: an organizational unlearning taxonomy and an outcome-centric model", The Learning Organization, Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 960-984. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLO-02-2023-0025
- Maccioni, S., d’Angella, F., De Carlo, M., & Sfogliarini, B. (2024). Stakeholder Engagement and Triggers for Sustainable Development in Complex Fragile Ecosystems: Evidence from Alpine Trentino Region. Sustainability, 16(22), 9879.
- Maccioni, S., & Ghiringhelli, C. (2024). Digital transformation through organisational unlearning: insights from practitioners’ voice. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2024.2383371
- Maccioni, S., Ennas, G., Ghiringhelli, C., & Virili, F. (2024). Bilanciare risultati economici, gestione delle risorse umane e sostenibilità: Prospettive dal contesto italiano. In La CSR nel Business Model delle Aziende (pp. 93-114). Giuffré.
- Maccioni, S., Ghiringhelli, C., & Datteri, E. (2024). Can people unlearn? A reflection on the conceptual and cognitive foundations of organization systems theory. In Current Topics in Logic and the Philosophy of Science. Papers from SILFS 2022 postgraduate conference.
- Maccioni, S., Ennas, G., Ghiringhelli, C., Virili, F. (2023). HRM and Sustainability at Crossroad: A Performance Perspective from the Italian Context. itAIS23 Proceedings.
- Maccioni, S., & Ghiringhelli, C. (2022). Organizational Unlearning Dynamics Emerging During Digital Transformation: Implications for Organizational Change. In Acting in the digital society: moving towards a sustainable future (The XIX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS & The XIV Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems) Proceedings (pp. 1-20).
- Maccioni, S.; Virili, F.; Ghiringhelli, C. (2021). Incertezza e tensioni nel cambiamento organizzativo: Implicazioni per la pratica manageriale da un caso nel settore del parcel delivery. PROSPETTIVE IN ORGANIZZAZIONE, 16.
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