Call for papers
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: Literary writings of non-literary artists
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: Literature and peripheries/Littérature et périphéries
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: Lo stile della saggistica critica sulle arti / The style of critical essays on the arts / Le style des essais critiques sur les arts
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: La traduzione letteraria d’autore / Authorial literary translation / La traduction littéraire d’auteur
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: Literary Hermeneutics / Ermeneutica Letteraria / Herméneutique Littéraire
- Call for Papers Poli-femo: Literature and arts / Letteratura e arti / Littérature et arts
- Call for Papers Poli-Femo: Miti di ieri e oggi / The Myths of yesterday and the miths of today / Mythes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
- Call for Papers Poli-Femo: Immagini delle lingue e delle identità minoritarie / Images of minority languages and identities
- Call for Papers Poli-Femo: Sapori della scrittura
- Call for Papers Poli-Femo: The (B)end of (Hi)story: oltre la narrativa postmoderna/ The (B)end of (Hi)story: beyond postmodern narrative / The (B)end of (Hi)story: au-delà de la narrative postmoderne