To access the services please click this page DiversaMENTE Disabilità e DSA
The Web Agenda is the platform that allows you to:
- consult the class schedules
- consult the calendar of exams
- book your place in the classroom (IULM Lezioni App)
- book appointments and workstations (through Easy Planning)
- consult the study rooms
- consult the lessons timetable of the International Language Center
To help you in the preparation of your dissertation or final thesis, you can download some of the media below by clicking directly on the appropriate link. These are tools made by IULM University with all the indications regarding formatting and editing of your work. However, they do not replace the indications of the lecturers for the structuring of the work but represent an aid for the editing work.
- Technical directions for writing and printing the thesis/dissertation
- How to apply iulm style sheets template to your thesis/dissertation
- IULM style sheet
For any clarification regarding the editing and formatting of the document, you can contact the staff at the Multimedia Room (IULM 1, 3rd floor) by writing to [email protected] or calling +39 02 891412483.
For special notices related to the title page of the dissertation (special characters, accents, etc.) or other specific needs you can write to [email protected]
IULM Print Centre:
The IULM Print Press Centre is open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm and from 1.30 pm to 5.45 pm.
IULM Print is located in IULM 3 (Floor 0) and is available to students for photocopying, printing usb files, binding, printing and binding of dissertations and handouts.
Tel: 02/891412300
Mail: [email protected]
1. What is an examination session?
The term examination session refers to the period of time in which course examinations are held. Examination sessions are shown in the annually published academic calendar.
2. What is an examination call (appello d’esame)?
The term appello d’esame refers to the date on which the examination will take place.
3. Is the so-called salto d’appello rule applied?
No, in our university the rule is not applied, so it is possible to retake an examination immediately on the next date available. There are two dates arranged for each session; in the summer session and winter sessions three dates are arranged, but only two may be selected in any order (i.e. 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, 1st and 3rd).
4. When is the first exam session?
The first session for the academic year 2024/25 (which coincides with the 4th session for the academic year 2023/24) will start on 8 January 2024 and end on 15 February 2024. The examination calendar is available in the Web Agenda/Exams Calendar section of our website (iulm.it). Direct link: Agenda Web | Università IULM.
5. How will the examinations for the first session (January - February 2025) be carried out?
The Academic Senate has confirmed that the exams will be held in person, with the exception of the examinations for the International Language Centre language courses, which will continue to be held online.
6. When can I register for examinations?
It is possible to register (and/or cancel your reservation) for an examination from 30 days and up to 3 days before the date of the exam.
For the language courses organised by the International Language Centre for the Faculties of Arts and Tourism and Communication, it is possible to register from 30 days and up to 5 days before the date of the exam.
7. How can I register for examinations?
In order to register for examinations, you will need to log in to the Sportello di segreteria online (University online services), click on Esami (Examinations) and then on Appelli (Exams schedule). Then click on the blue icon next to the selected exam date and finally click on Prenotati all’appello (Book your exam date).
Remember: In your libretto universitario transcript you will only be able to view examinations with dates within the next 30 days; therefore, if you need to view the complete examination calendar you will have to refer to the Agenda Web | Università IULM, not to the online services desk where you register.
NB: if you cannot find the date of an examination scheduled within the next 30 days, first make sure that you have entered it in your libretto. If this is not the case, you can write to [email protected] (but you still may not be able to enter it, as the windows for compiling the study plan are set annually by the Faculties).
8. I have registered for the examination: how do I apply for compensatory measures?
If you are a student with SLD or disability, you can contact the diversaMENTE office at [email protected] or on 02 89141 2200.
9. What are in itinere tests?
In itinere testing is a form of continuous assessment and may consist in tests carried out during the course in order to spread out learning and testing over the year. In most cases they are tests organised independently by the course teachers and therefore it is not necessary to make a booking for these tests via the Online Services (under Prove parziali / Partial tests). Sometimes it is sufficient to simply turn up on the day of the test, in other cases booking via e-mail or through the Community is required. In any case, it is imperative to follow the teacher’s specific instructions for these tests.
10. I passed the exam: how do I record the grade?
- “Official” examination: the transcription is done automatically, without the need to go to the University or to access the Online services/Results section. Once two days have passed after receiving the e-mail with the result of the examination, students will be able to see the grade recorded in the Online services/Student record (Carriera) section.
- Partial test: the transcription is done automatically, without the need to go to the University or access the Online services/Results section.
- -n itinere exam: the grade must be integrated (or recorded) by registering for an official examination.
11. What is a call for registration (appello di verbalizzazione)?
The " appello di verbalizzazione" is a special call that is only necessary in the case of courses that are divided into modules.
The ” appello di verbalizzazione” (to be found in the Online services/Exams schedule [Appelli] section of the IULM Online Services) bears the heading "verbalizzazione media finale" and allows you to register the final average grade obtained from the marks of the different modules taken.
Remember: in order to register your grade and thus see it in your transcript, you must register for the “appello di verbalizzazione”, if there is one (they are scheduled exclusively for the aforementioned cases, i.e. courses comprising several modules, whose final grade is obtained by averaging the marks of the partial examinations). Registration for the call does not take place automatically, so the procedure outlined in point 7 must be followed.
N.B. The call does not require the student to be present at the university.
12. How can I refuse a mark?
Once you have logged in to the Online Services, in the Online services/Results section, you can refuse the mark by clicking on the icon that appears next to the grade within 48 hours of receiving the e-mail communicating the result.
Please note: at this point the system will ask you to confirm your choice, obliging you to tick the Refuse result (Rifiuta l’esito) box and click on Confirm (Conferma). Refusal is irreversible.
13. Is it compulsory to fill in the evaluation questionnaire on teaching and academic courses in order to register for the exam?
For your registration to be successful, you must complete the course evaluation questionnaire. You can complete it from the section dedicated to exam registration, Online Services/Exams/Schedule/Questionnaire, by clicking on the red icon next to each exam date selected. The green icon indicates successful completion.
14. What should I do if I have registered for the exam, but I don't feel ready and no longer want to take it?
Students who after registering no longer wish to take the exam are requested to cancel their registration in good time (or in any case by the deadline of 3/5 days before the exam date).
15. I didn't turn up for the exam or I forgot to cancel my registration: what happens?
There are no reprimands, but even though you did not turn up for the exam, you will receive an e-mail stating the result of the exam (ABSENT) and therefore that exam date will be counted as having been utilised even if you did not actually turn up on the day. In order to be able to book you for the next exam dates, you will have to wait until the teacher has completed registration procedures.
16. I am unable to register for exams, what shall I do?
- Outstanding fees: first of all check on the Online Services pages in the Fees and Contributions section that there is no outstanding unpaid instalment (red flag). Remember that approximately 15 minutes may pass from the time of payment to its registration for payments made online using PagoPA, but up to 2 working days for payments made using other methods.
- Completion of questionnaires: check that the evaluation questionnaires on teaching and academic courses have all been completed.
- Examination registration already completed: please remember that it is not possible to be registered for two examinations at the same time; therefore, in the case of a 'second attempt' (I registered for the first date and I want to register for the second date because I did not pass the examination or I am not satisfied with the grade, or I didn’t cancel my previous registration in time) you will have to wait a few days for the teacher to complete registration procedures for the previous examination.
17. How can I tell if the examination is written or oral?
Once you have accessed the Online Services Desk, Examinations/Schedule, you will be able to view all the details regarding the type of examination (written or oral), with information about the time, date and classroom. The examination procedures are the sole responsibility of the course teacher and are contained in the course programme published on the website: if you have any doubts in this regard, you should contact the course teacher directly.
18. How can I tell if I have registered for the right examination?
On the exam calendar, available on Agenda Web | Università IULM, it will be possible to check which students the exam is for (degree course, academic year, etc.).
19. What documents do I need to take the examination?
Identification of students during in-person or online examinations normally takes place by means of the university ID card. In limited and justified cases where the ID card is not available, teachers may accept a different valid identity document.
20. There are a lot of students registered for the exam: how do I know which group I am in?
Once registrations have been completed, in the event of exams with a large number of students, the Chair of the examination committee will divide the students into groups, who must be present in the examination room on the day and at the time indicated in the e-mail sent by the course teacher. Please note that depending on the availability of classrooms and the schedule for the exam session, examinations may also continue on the days following the first exam date (not necessarily the following day). You are therefore invited to carefully check the day, time and exam room communicated in the e-mail sent by the course teacher and to comply with the instructions. The order in which students are called and any division into groups will be based exclusively on the order in which they register for the exam.
21. Where and when can I see my exam results?
The results of exams will be available in the section Online Services/Results (Segreteria/Bacheca esiti); in any case, once you have taken the exam, you will receive an e-mail from the Registrar’s office with the results at your IULM e-mail address. Sometimes, especially in the case of partial exams or written exams followed by an oral exam, exam results may also be published in the Community.
22. It has been two days since I received the e-mail with the result of the examination but I still don’t see the grade in my transcript: what should I do?
Don't worry: sometimes entering grades in your personal transcript may take longer than expected. Keep a constant check on your transcript and only in the event of a long delay (more than a week from the date of publication of the grade) remember to report it to segreteria.studenti@iulm specifying the name of the course, the date on which the exam was taken, your name and surname and your student ID number.
23. When does my partial examination grade expire?
Once a partial module test (or an in itinere test) has been taken, the course teacher may set a deadline by which the grade must be recorded. Any expiry date for a partial test or an in itinere test must be checked exclusively with the course teacher (not with the Registrar’s Office, which does not deal with partial tests) as it is at their discretion.
24. What do I have to do to sit the language exams (Professional English I, II, III, IV, Languages and Culture of the Second Foreign Language)?
For the Faculties of Communication and Arts and Tourism, the language course examinations (Professional English, second languages) will be held online, in line with their teaching methods and procedures. All instructions concerning the carrying out of online examinations are available in the guides published on the University website, in the section online teaching.
In particular, the exams for Professional English / Professional English for Tourism I, II, III exams follow a specific procedure due to the large number of students involved. Those registered for these exams will receive specific instructions by email with precise timetables.
For further clarification you can contact the International Language Centre on 02 891412441 or by sending an email to [email protected].
25. How can I register for the SSML CARLO BO workshop examinations?
The management of the SSML Carlo Bo workshops is slightly different, so we suggest you consult the Regulations: Interpreting and Communication, Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting and Languages, Culture and Digital Communication, in the section Laboratori.
26. How is the final grade calculated for an examination consisting of several modules?
As from the first session of the academic year 2022/23 (with the exception of courses in the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation), the final mark for an examination consisting of several modules will be calculated automatically by the system once the last module has been passed, without the need for an appello di verbalizzazione (see point 11).
Marks obtained in individual modules may therefore be refused (as for any other examination: see point 12), but not the final grade.
The final grade will be calculated as a weighted average for the CFU weighting of the different modules, rounded up to the nearest 0.5 (e.g. 25.49 = 25; 25.50 = 26). The final grade will be 30 cum laude only in the event that a mark of 30 cum laude has been achieved for all modules; in all other cases 30 cum laude will be entered into the average as a basic mark of 30 (e.g. the average of "30 cum laude" and 24 will be equal to the average of 30 and 24, i.e. 27). The "cum laude" distinction, however, will be taken into account when calculating curricular points for the degree mark.
In order to be able to upload the final paper, it is essential to be in possession of the Library's nullaosta.
The request for the nullaosta is compulsory for all candidates, even for those who have not borrowed books and/or other materials from the IULM University Library and must be made by filling in a short form on the library's digger.iulm.it portal, entitled "Nullaosta".
Confirmation of the issue of the nullaosta can be obtained by accessing your personal area (digger.iulm.it) in the "my library" section, where the words "nullaosta confirmed on date...." will appear if all the material has been returned. In the case of outstanding items, the nullaosta cannot be issued and you will be notified by e-mail.
Only upon return of any material still on loan will the Library issue a clearance.
Outgoing transfer requests may be submitted from 1 August to 31 October each year subject to clearance (or at least after receiving explicit confirmation of the possibility to make the transfer) from the destination university.
To make the transfer, students must be up to date with the payment of all fees due.
To submit an outgoing transfer application, you must:
fill out the form available here;
request clearance from the IULM Library by filling out the form available here;
request clearance for the right to study from [email protected]
The documents must be submitted to [email protected] attaching a double-sided copy of an identity document. After the documents have been submitted, a PagoPA form will be issued for the electronic payment of the transfer fee of €116.
For further information on how to submit transfer applications, please contact the Registrar's Office at [email protected]
Withdrawal from studies
Withdrawal requests may be submitted at any time during the academic year.
In order to withdraw from your studies, students must be up to date with the payment of all fees due in accordance with Article 17 of the University Academic Regulations.
A student who has obtained enrollment in a degree course is not entitled, under any circumstances, to a refund of fees and contributions paid. He or she is required to pay the entire amount of fees and contributions issued up to the date of the request for withdrawal, in addition to the withdrawal fee annually determined by the Board of Directors. If the request for withdrawal from studies is presented before the date of issuing of the second or third installment, the payment of those fees will not be due.
To request withdrawal from your studies, you must:
fill out the form available here;
request clearance from the IULM Library by filling out the form available here;
request clearance for the right to study from [email protected]
The documents must be submitted to [email protected] attaching a double-sided copy of an identity document. After the documents have been submitted, a PagoPA form will be issued for the electronic payment of the fee for renunciation of studies of €116.
For further information on how to submit a request for renunciation of studies, please contact the Registrar's Office at [email protected]
Changing course
Applications to change from one degree course to another are examined by the Faculty Council and assessed on the basis of compatibility between previous studies and the study plan of the course applied for, in compliance with the number of enrolments programmed annually for each course of study and the regulations in force.
Requests to change course can be submitted from 1 August to 30 September of each year relating to the following academic year (e.g. from 1 August 2022 a student enrolled in Corporate Communication and Public Relations can request to change to Communication, Media and Advertising for the academic year 2022/2023).
The year of admission to the new course of study is determined on the basis of the number of validated CFUs from previous studies (e.g. a transfer to the second year normally requires at least 36 CFUs). The change of course requires the payment of a contribution (internal transfer fee) of 50 euros, to be paid together with the first instalment.
For further information on how to submit applications please contact [email protected].
In the case of the degree course in Comunicazione d'impresa e relazioni pubbliche, since an identical course in Corporate Communication and Public Relations is offered in English, it is also possible to evaluate a change of course, from Italian to English or vice versa. This option may only be evaluated, subject to verification of the necessary requirements, during the first year of the course and no later than the conclusion of the first examination session. Once the courses of the second semester have started, any such requests will, as a rule, be automatically rejected.
It should also be noted that the possibility of requesting a change of course between the two programmes is envisaged only after the courses have started (and in any case after the ranking list for admissions has been closed): requests for a change of course are therefore not permitted as long as the ranking list for admissions is valid;
— the possibility of requesting a change of course is designed primarily for students who, after starting their courses, encounter language difficulties and decide to opt for the programme delivered in Italian;
— after acceptance of applications, the sum of the available places between the two programmes shall not vary.
To submit a request for an internal course transfer, please fill in this form and send it by e-mail to: [email protected]
Suspension of studies
At any time during the year, students enrolled at IULM University may request to suspend their studies for one or more academic years for serious health reasons or to attend courses at foreign universities or institutions. Suspension cannot last for more than five academic years.
It is not possible to request the suspension of your studies in order to enrol in another Italian university, as it is prohibited to be enrolled simultaneously at more than one university; in this case, it is necessary to withdraw from your studies or make an outgoing transfer.
During the period of suspension students may not carry out any activities at IULM University.
In order to apply for a suspension of studies, a request must be sent to [email protected], stating the reasons and purpose and attaching an identity document. The request will first be assessed by the Registrar's Office and, if necessary, submitted to the Dean of the relevant Faculty.
In order to resume studies after suspension, students must make an explicit request and regularise all administrative formalities.
Your study plan can be compiled online through the Online services, in the section “Study Plan”, from 14 October to 18 November 2024.
From 5 to 20 March 2025 it will be possible to modify/substitute optional courses that have already been entered with others not yet present in the study plan.
In order to make a request for compilation of the study plan you must be fully enrolled and up to date with fee payments for the academic year 2024/2025.
To avoid timetable clashes you are advised to choose from the optional courses recommended for your course of study, your year of study and for your specific syllabus (for some Master’s degree courses).
In all cases, however, it is advisable to check course times before making your choice.
Should you require assistance please send an e-mail to [email protected] providing your name, surname, student ID number, course name, the nature of the help required or a description of the problem encountered.
Under no circumstances will requests for the compilation of study plans be accepted for dates other than those specified above, over the deadlines or during the exam's session.
Presenting the curriculum a.y. 2024/2025
Your study plan can be compiled online through the Online services, in the section “Study Plan”, from 14 October to 18 November 2024.
From 5 to 20 March 2025 it will be possible to modify/substitute optional courses that have already been entered with others not yet present in the study plan.
In order to make a request for compilation of the study plan you must be fully enrolled and up to date with fee payments for the academic year 2024/2025.
To avoid timetable clashes you are advised to choose from the optional courses recommended for your course of study, your year of study and for your specific syllabus (for some Master’s degree courses).
In all cases, however, it is advisable to check course times before making your choice.
Should you require assistance please send an e-mail to [email protected] providing your name, surname, student ID number, course name, the nature of the help required or a description of the problem encountered.
Under no circumstances will requests for the compilation of study plans be accepted for dates other than those specified above, over the deadlines or during the exam's session.
Presenting the curriculum a.y. 2024/2025
By accessing the online Services it is possible to send complaints regarding the various administrative and educational activities of the University
The possible resolution of the problem will be sent by e-mail to @studenti.iulm.it
The response time may vary depending on the type of request.
To request simple clarifications and information we recommend that you contact the specific Office directly.
Examinations (with the exception of the Foreign Language Workshops at the International Language Centre) may be taken in three ways:
1. oral examination
2. written examination followed by an optional oral examination to be taken on the same day or on subsequent days
3. written examination followed by a compulsory oral examination to be taken on the same day or on subsequent days
1. Oral examination: The examination consists solely of an oral interview, the result of which is given immediately on completion of the examination. Students who are dissatisfied with the result may refuse the grade before it is registered by informing the teacher.
2. Written examination followed by an optional oral examination to be taken on the same day or on subsequent days: the examination takes the form of a written test, which may be followed, on the same or on a subsequent day, by an oral interview. Whether or not an oral interview is compulsory is specified by the teacher in the examination procedures, while students always have the "right to request a further oral assessment" in the case of an examination based solely on a written test, pursuant to Article 18(3) of the University's Academic Regulations. It should be noted that this is not a supplementary assessment, but a 'further assessment' (no marks are added to the grade for the written paper, but a completely new and separate test is carried out).
After the written test has been taken, it will be the teachers themselves who will notify the students of the result in accordance with previously established procedures (generally through the IULM Community). Students who are satisfied with the result of the written test (and who are therefore not interested in a further assessment) may choose not to attend the interview on the scheduled date. The result of the exam will be registered by the teacher on the date set for the oral interview and communicated to the student by email (to the account studenti.iulm.it) through the online services (https://servizionline.iulm.it). From that moment on, students will have two days to refuse the grade. After the two days have elapsed, the grade will be automatically and definitively registered. Students who are satisfied with the grade need only wait the two days to see the grade appear in their records. Dissatisfied students wishing to refuse the grade must do so by logging on to their personal page (https://servizionline.iulm.it) within two days: in this case, the result of the test will be annulled and the student will be able to register for the next exam session.
Students who are not satisfied with the result of the written test and who are therefore interested in a further oral assessment may attend the oral interview on the scheduled date. Also in this case the result of the exam will be registered by the teacher and communicated to the student by email (to the account studenti.iulm.it) through the online services (https://servizionline.iulm.it). From that moment on, students will have two days to refuse the grade. After the two days have elapsed, the grade will be automatically and definitively registered.
Students who are satisfied with the grade need only wait the two days to see the grade appear in their records. Students who are also dissatisfied with the mark for the oral test and choose to refuse the grade must do so by logging on to their personal page (https://servizionline.iulm.it) within two days: in this case, the result of the test (written and oral) will be annulled and the student will be able to register for the next exam session.
In all cases, acceptance or refusal made through the online services - in the section Esami – Bacheca esiti [Exams – Results board] - will be considered final, regardless of any temporary or unofficial paper records. For this reason, any errors in the registration (e.g. a different mark from the one communicated in the examination or a mark not registered) must be promptly communicated by students to the Registrar's Office for verification.
Example 1:
The Marketing examination consists of a written exam on 20 May 2019 and an optional oral test on 25 May 2019. The student Mario Rossi takes the written exam on 20 May 2019. The results are published in the Community on 22 May. Mario Rossi passed the written paper with a mark of 27/30 and is satisfied with it. Mario Rossi does not have to be present either for the oral test or for registration. In the days following 25 May 2019, Mario Rossi will receive an email containing the exam grade. Two days after receiving the email, the grade will be registered in his 'libretto'.
Example 2:
The Marketing examination consists of a written exam on 20 May 2019 and an optional oral test on 25 May 2019. The student Maria Rossi takes the written exam on 20 May. The results are published in the Community on 22 May. Maria Rossi passed the written paper with a mark of 20/30 and is not satisfied. Maria Rossi decides to take a new oral test on 25 May 2019. Maria Rossi gets 24/30 for the oral test and is satisfied. In the days following 25 May 2019 Maria Rossi will receive an email containing the exam grade. Two days after receiving the email, the grade will be registered in her 'libretto'.
Example 3:
The Marketing examination consists of a written exam on 20 May 2019 and an optional oral test on 25 May 2019. The student Maria Verdi takes the written exam on 20 May. The results are published in the Community on 22 May. Maria Verdi passed the written exam with a mark of 18/30 and is not satisfied, but nevertheless decides not to take the oral test on 25 May 2019 in order to take a new examination. In the days following 25 May 2019, Maria Verdi will receive an email containing the exam grade. By logging on to her personal page, she will be able to refuse the grade within two days of receiving the email and register for a later examination session.
3. Written examination followed by a compulsory oral examination to be taken on the same day or on subsequent days: in this case the procedures for registration are identical to the previous case (point 2) with the difference that the student is required to be present on the date set for the oral test. In the event of absence on the date of the oral test, any mark awarded in the written test will not be registered in any form.