The mediatised item
Year 2018
In October 2016, an interdisciplinary study day was held at the IULM University on the theme of "The mediatised voice". Now imminent (October 2019), from the publisher Mimesis in Milan, in the series "IULM Research" of the Department of Communication, Arts and Media of the University IULM, is the publication of a volume entitled "La voce mediatizzata", edited by Stefano Lombardi Vallauri and Marida Rizzuti, which brings together the fruits of the day and the research that followed it. The collection of essays is the result of the convergence of scholars from different disciplines - sociology, aesthetics, comparative literature, studies on theatre, filmology, musicology - around a transversal and, at the same time, clearly defined theme: the technological mediation of the voice, in the learned and popular contemporary artistic production. The authors Antonio Pizzo (La drammaturgia dell'urlo. Voice mediatized in the work of Marcel lì Antúnez Roca), Stefano Lombardi Vallauri (Remote intimacy, empathy mediated. What is it and what does the vocabulary of the popular song communicate, reproduced technologically), Giacomo Albert (La ricomposizione dell'immagine audiovisiva del'urlo: percorsi di iper- e ipo-definizione nella mediatizzazione della voce tra cinema e videoarte), Francesco Finocchiaro (Il cinema parlante. Suggestions for a dramaturgy of the voice from Fritz Lang to Terrence Malick), Fabio Vittorini ("It's all recorded". Voice and ontology in contemporary cinema), Mimmo Gianneri (The voice of the song in contemporary cinema set in Campania), Claudio Rizzoni (From the voice of questua to pop song. The ritual singing for the Madonna dell'Arco in Naples, in traditional symbolic horizons and formal innovations), Paolo Magaudda (The sound studies, digital technologies and the mediatized voice: the cases of the mp3 format and the vocoder).