Telling the story and making Italian cinema
Year 2019
Promoted by MIUR and MiBACT as part of the National Cinema for School Plan, the project, coordinated by the Liceo Caterina Percoto of Udine and the University of Udine, involves eleven Italian universities (in addition to Udine and Milan-IULM, Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Padua, Parma, Naples, Rome III, Turin) and a large number of secondary schools scattered across the country.
The project "Raccontare e fare il cinema italiano" (Telling and making Italian cinema) offers secondary-school teachers the tools for teaching cinema and audiovisual science (with particular attention to the Italian context) through a programme of lessons, screenings, workshops and meetings with Italian cinema professionals and artists. The programme features two interrelated paths concerning the national cinema: the first focused on the historical and cultural dimension, the second on the productive and professional one. In particular, the unit of the IULM University dealt with contemporary Italian cinema and, for the production segment, photography.
The choice to focus on the history of Italian cinema is linked to the interest in promoting the knowledge of our cinema as an expressive form, language and production system, closely bound to the cultural history of the country.