Course presentation
A Master's degree course that has been awarded the "Label EMT" award, two different curricula. Conference interpreting to train experts in language mediation and Specialised translation for a complete preparation in the field of translation.
2 years
By choosing the Curriculum in Conference Interpreting at the end of your studies you will be an expert in the field of interpreting for companies, bodies and international institutions.
Coordinator: Prof. ssa Giulia Garzone
The Curriculum in Specialised Translation will give you the skills to become an established translator. You can choose whether to work in traditional areas such as publishing or in sectors such as fashion and design, at public agencies, institutions and private companies
Coordinator: Prof.ssa Elena Liverani
Since each sector and each type of text involves a particular style, the translator must be able to recognize and reproduce a wide range of styles. Therefore, an intensive cycle of lessons is proposed for four days a week, which can be divided into four distinct areas
The "laboratory" lessons are perhaps the most important. You will learn how to process texts from specialised fields (economics, tourism, medicine, engineering, etc.) from and into both languages. Each year three or four areas are covered and lessons are coordinated so as to allow students to work on the same area at the same time, in both languages.
In the lessons dedicated to literary translation you will learn to analyse literary texts (especially novels) and to translate with a deep awareness of the relationship between style and content. Classical and contemporary texts are dealt with. In recent years, students have also collectively translated works of fiction which were subsequently published by Italian publishing houses.
All translation lessons, both literary and technical, include weekly written assignments that can be sent by email.
Courses are also planned on fundamental themes for the training of a translator: Italian language, comparative literature, linguistics, aesthetics, computer-assisted translation. These lessons do not propose a repetition of what was studied during the three-year period, but are specifically designed for the needs of students of the specialist degree.
Finally, each student chooses two optional courses from those offered specifically for this master's degree or those available in other master's degrees of the University.
The current selection includes:
- Aesthetics
- International marketing
- Theory and practice of interpreting
- Rhetorical Studies, Media and Communication and Cultural Studies.
Academic program Kantan MT
As part of the Machine Translation and Post-editing Course (Curriculum in Specialised Translation), our University has become the first Italian university to join the academic program of KantanMT, the world leader in Customized Machine Translation Engines.
*data 1 year after graduation (Almalaurea Report 2024)
Faculty | Faculty of Interpreting and Translation |
Studies Course name | Specialized translation and conference interpreting |
Course type | Master's degree |
Academic year | 2023/2024 |
Order | D.M. 270/2004 |
Degree class | LM-94 -Specialist translation and interpreting |
Type of access | Course with number of places programmed with selective knowledge test |
Language in which the course is held | Italian |
The Conference Interpreting curriculum will allow you to perfect your skills in the field of language mediation while also studying disciplines and subject matters that will complete your training.
The teaching of foreign languages in the Conference Interpreting Curriculum also includes sectorial language, so as to facilitate your entry into the labour market.
You will have the opportunity to improve your command and knowledge of the Italian language, essential for linguistic mediation, and to deepen your technical preparation and control of computer tools that will serve your future profession.
Your preparation will also be completed by the study of historical-legal disciplines and sociological and communicative processes.
Students of the Specialised Translation Curriculum have the possibility to obtain an Italian-French double degree by virtue of the agreements that IULM University has signed with the Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse and with the Institut de management et de communication interculturels (ISIT), Paris.
Double Degree with UHA Mulhouse
The Master's Degree Course in Specialised Translation and Interpreting, curriculum Specialised Translation and Interpreting, activated in the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation of the IULM University, offers a Double Diploma course with the Master in Traduction Scientifique et Technique of the Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines of the Université de Haute-Alsace, UHA, in Mulhouse. This project is part of the broader framework of academic collaboration developed by the Università Italo Francese (UIF-UFI), a binational institution promoting university and scientific collaboration between Italy and France. The Double Diploma course was activated in 2017 and in 2022 it was the winner of the Vinci Call for Proposals for the funding of Double Master's/Master's Degrees, certifying the standard of qualitative excellence achieved.
The strength of the project is the international training provided to the selected candidates, who will study at the destination for a semester in the second year of their studies, following the activities planned for the courses activated there. In addition, students who choose this type of course will be exempt from paying tuition fees at the destination university. A prerequisite for selection is proficiency in French, Italian and English. At the end of the mobility period envisaged in the Dual Degree programme, having returned to their university, students will have acquired 30 ECTS and will sit the final degree examination before an examining board composed of members of the two partner universities, IULM and UHA.
The learning experience through attendance of a Double Degree course is intended to ensure that students acquire an international scientific, cultural and professional qualification, a requirement that is increasingly in high demand and necessary in today's global context.
Double Degree with ISIT Paris
The Master's Degree Course in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting, Specialised Translation curriculum, activated in the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation of IULM University, offers a Double Diploma pathway with the Master's Course in Communication Interculturelle et Traduction, Traduction pathway, of the ISIT (Institut de management et de communication interculturels), operating from 2021.
The strength of the project is the international training provided to the selected candidates, who will study at the foreign location during the second year of their studies, following the activities planned for the courses activated there. Moreover, students who choose this type of course will be exempt from paying tuition fees at the destination university. A prerequisite for selection is proficiency in French, Italian and English. At the end of the mobility period envisaged in the Dual Degree programme, students will have to have acquired 60 ECTS and will have to pass the final degree examination, which can be taken either at the university of origin or at the university of destination, according to the procedures in place respectively, and discussed before an examining board composed of members of the two partner universities, IULM and ISIT.
The learning experience through attendance of a Double Degree course is intended to ensure that students acquire an international scientific, cultural and professional profile, a requirement that is increasingly in demand and necessary in today's global context.
To view the call for applications, see the Erasmus mobility page
The degree course is divided into two curricula, Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting, and defines its specific training objectives as follows.
Its main objective is the training of graduates with a highly specialized knowledge of English and of a second foreign language (German/French/Spanish/Russian/Chinese/Arabic), with a focus on specialised and technical-scientific translation and simultaneous and consecutive interpretation in work contexts where a high level of linguistic mediation is required in terms of form and cultural peculiarities.An in-depth training on the Italian language and culture, from a comparative and European perspective, will ensure a professional management of the linguistic/cultural apparatus in order to be competitive in the international and EU market.
The training of the student will be completed through internships in the professional area of reference.
Bachelor Degree students are provided with tools that make them aware of market requirements and job profiles; help them manage relationships and negotiations with clients; help them work under pressure and with other experts in multilingual and group contexts (including in virtual teams); help them meet requests (deadlines, commitments, interpersonal skills); help them develop a terminological and documentary search; help them use search engines effectively (terminology software, electronic corpora, electronic dictionaries).
As part of the Interpreting curriculum, given the high probability that the student will also work as a translator, pragmatic translation workshops are planned too.
The Translation curriculum includes workshops held in the chosen language by native speakers in order to give the students the oral skills required to both negotiate with customers and to translate audio or audiovisual materials, .
It is also possible for students of the specialised translation curriculum to obtain a double Italian-French master's degree by virtue of the agreement that the IULM University has perfected with the Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse