The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence for Business and Society requires the preparation of an individual dissertation with theoretical and operational research content. The dissertation is designed to demonstrate the student's ability to use the tools acquired in the analysis of a topic in line with the course of study and to be able to place it in the relevant disciplinary corpus with critical faculty. It should also show the ability to develop the analysis of a case, empirical research or design a solution in the field that can generate value to businesses, complex organisations and society in general through technology. The thesis consists of a minimum of 20,000 words, possibly supplemented with images, films and other documentary appendices. In the development of the thesis, the student is assisted by a supervisor who helps him/her define the theme to be developed, in setting it up and in the relative bibliographical and documentary research. Once the supervisor has approved the dissertation, it is assessed by a committee following the University's Teaching Regulations. Subject to the requirements of originality, bibliographical updating, critical evaluation and methodological rigour, the dissertation may be either a research paper on current scientific literature or a more original work capable of making a personal contribution to research on the subject.
The Commission that judges the final examination and decides on the award of the degree is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty and consists of at least seven members, at least four of whom are official Professors of the Faculty or courses from other Faculties. The Committee expresses a short qualitative assessment of the final examination (insufficient, sufficient, fair, good, very good, excellent), taking into account both the evaluation of the thesis expressed by the supervisor and the co-supervisor and the discussion of the thesis by the student. This evaluation entitles the student to the acquisition of the envisaged credits. In the event of a negative assessment, the student must repeat the final examination. The Master's degree grade is expressed collectively by the Commission in hundredths, taking into account the evaluation of the final examination and the curriculum of studies.