Filippo Pennacchio is a fixed-term researcher in Contemporary Italian Literature at IULM University.
In 2013 he obtained a PhD in Comparative Literature from the same University, where he later (between 2017 and 2021) was a research fellow.
In 2020 he obtained the “abilitazione a professore di seconda fascia” in Contemporary Italian Literature.
He is among the founders of the Seminario Permanente di Narratologia, an initiative developed through the collaboration between the Department of Communication, Arts and Media at IULM University and University of Naples Federico II.
He is chief-editor of “Testo a fronte” and “Comparatismi”, and he is member of the editorial commitee of “Enthymema”.
He attended as a speaker several conferences, both in Italy and abroad.
Narrative fiction from Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century.
Literature and new media.
Literary periodicals from Twentieth century.
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