Graduated in Philosophy. Graduated actress at the Academy of Dramatic Art "Piccolo Teatro" in Milan, she is responsible for the Managerial Training courses for the Active Theatre Centre of which she is partner and director.
Trainer specialized in diction, acting and communication techniques and, for years, she has been a consultant for Public Speaking, Leadership and Team Building for leading companies.
Professor of Communication at the Bocconi University of Milan and the Faculty of Communication at the University of Lugano, and in IULM for the Course of Direction.
Recent shows
2016/2017 - Teatro Parenti - Shooting: NIENTE PIU NIENTE AL MONDO by Carlotto, directed by Fabio Cherstich
2015 - Teatro Parenti - TERRORE E MISERIA DEL TERZO REICH by Brecht, directed by Fabio Cherstich
2014 - Teatro Out Off - AFFABULAZIONE by Pasolini, directed by Lorenzo Loris
2013 - Teatro Parenti - NIENTE PIUU NIENTE AL MONDO by Carlotto, directed by Fabio Cherstich 2012
- Teatro Parenti - Ripresa: CENERI ALLE CENERI by Pinter, directed by Federica Santambrogio 2011
- Teatro Parenti - EVGENIJ ONEGIN by Puskin, directed by Flavio Ambrosini 2010 - Teatro Parenti
- CENERI ALLE CENERI by Pinter, directed by Federica Santambrogio
2005 - Chekhov's ZIO VANIA, directed by F. Mazzari
2001 - Strindberg's DANZA MACABRA, directed by W. Manfré 1999 - Chekhov's IL GABBIANO, directed by F. Mazzari
1997 - Puskin's EUGENIO ONEGIN, directed by F. Ambrosini
1996 - A QUESTION for COMMITMENT by M. Vinaver, directed by F. Ambrosini
1994 - The IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST by O.Wild, directed by A. Ferrari
1992 - CERNOBYL by Gubarev, directed by G. De Monticelli
1992 - HAPPY END by B. Brecht, directed by D. Desiata
1991 - ANATOL by Schnitzler, directed by G. Mantesi
1989 - VICTOR O I BAMBINI AL POTERE, directed by G. Sepe - Festival of Spoleto 1988
- IN ALBIS by G. Sepe, directed by G. Sepe 1987
- TRE SORELLE by Cechov, directed by G. Sepe 1987 - TRE SORELLE by G. Sepe, directed by G. Sepe. Sepe
1986 - THE RATTO DI PROSERPINA by Rosso di San Secondo, directed by G. De Monticelli
1985 - UN MARITO by I. Svevo, directed by G. De Bosio
1984 - ORFEO ED EURIDICE by Fomin, directed by E. Marcucci
1984 - OMBELICO by Anouilh, directed by A. Shammah
1983 - DON GIOVANNI by Byron, directed by M. De Rossi
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