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For over thirty-five years Giorgio Mangani has been involved in local cultural and tourist development (culture-driven development), knowledge economy, cultural geography, history and landscape design, theory, methods and history of geography and cartography, with a marked anthropological-cultural focus.
In the field of the history of cartography he contributed to the renewal of studies, in the wake of the History of cartography of B. Harley and D. Woodward. He has a long experience in the management and enhancement of cultural heritage: he was director and administrator of cultural institutions and designer of development programs inspired by the model of the "Cultural District" and the "Evolved Cultural District". He has worked continuously as a consultant, director and administrator for public cultural institutions and private companies such as Il Lavoro Editoriale (Director), Sistema Museale della Provincia di Ancona (Director), Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona (President), Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro (consultant), Provincia di Ancona (consultant for cultural and tourist development) and the Municipality of Ancona (Administrator). He has taught geographical subjects at the universities of Ancona (Università Politecnica Marche, geografia economica e politica), Bergamo (geografia interculturale), Bologna (Cesena/Architettura, Geografia culturale) and Urbino (Didattica della Geografia). He obtained his national university qualification as professor of Geography (disciplinary group 11B1) of first level in July 2017. He has continuously proposed the results of his research in Italian and international scientific seminars and conferences. In 2001 he was a Fellow for the History of Cartography at the Newberry Library Foundation in Chicago.
He received the prize "Pasquale Rotondi. Ark of Art" 2014 for the volume Gherardo Cibo, amateur botanist and painter of countries (Il Lavoro Editoriale, 2013, with Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi, Un. di Pisa), the Prize "Metauro" 1999 for his cultural activity; the Prize "Giovanni Crocioni" 1998 for works of regionalist commitment.
He deals with Cultural Geography, Local Development as a driving force for culture and tourism, History of geographical and cartographic thought, Theory and history of the landscape and the territory.
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Il, the owner of this curriculum vitae, and is solely responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.
La bellezza del numero. Angelo Colocci e la nascita dello stato nazione, Ancona, Il Lavoro Editoriale, 2018, Isbn 978887665885
Antichità inventate. L’archeologia geopolitica di Ciriaco d’Ancona, Sesto San Giovanni, Mimesis, 2017 (Collana Kosmos), Isbn 97885754050
(con L. Tongiorgi Tomasi), Gherardo Cibo. Dilettante di botanica e pittore di ‘paesi’. Arte, scienza e illustrazione botanica nel XVI secolo, Ancona, Il Lavoro Editoriale, 2013 Isbn 9788876637254
Geopolitica del paesaggio. Storie e geografie dell’identità marchigiana, Ancona, 2012, Il Lavoro Editoriale, Isbn 9788876636912
Cultura e sviluppo locale, numero monografico di “Prisma” (Milano, Franco Angeli), n. 1, 2012, a cura di Giorgio Mangani, Issn 0393-9049
Cartografia morale. Geografia, persuasione, identità, Modena, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, 2006, Isbn 8882908186
Il “mondo” di Abramo Ortelio. Misticismo, geografia e collezionismo nel Rinascimento dei Paesi Bassi, Modena, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, 1998, Isbn 8878869778, ristampa 2006, Isbn 9788876869778
(con F. Mariano), Il disegno del territorio. Storia della cartografia delle Marche, Ancona, 1998, Il Lavoro Editoriale, Isbn 8876632778
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Although IULM University takes all necessary care to ensure the publication of correct, updated and complete information, it is not responsible for the contents of the curricula published online on the Portal The holder of this curriculum vitae is the exclusive guarantor and responsible for the correctness and truthfulness of the information contained therein.