Alberto Maestri
[email protected]
Author, keynote speaker, advisor, teacher.
Alberto is passionate about the way in which brands, people and organisations act and transform themselves with the advent of digital revolution.
Equity Partner in GreatPixel, Alberto is a consultant for brands, administration and executives and Director of the "Professioni Digitali" book series for FrancoAngeli (, the first one in Italy vertically dedicated to jobs of the future and skills disruption.
Lecturer in Marketing, Content and Communication for communication and business schools.
He has written many articles and studies published on the main management magazines (Harvard Business Review Italia, MarkUp, Ninja Marketing, Brand Quarterly, SenzaFiltro,…) and five books on customer experience, gamification and content marketing. Among his latest publications you can find in Italian bookstores: "AI Brands" (2021), "Platform Brand" (2019), "Giochi da Prendere sul Serio" (new edition, 2018) and "Customer Experience Design" (2017).
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