Museum websites of the first wave: The rise of the virtual museum.
Proceedings. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London (2020).
Participatory innovation and prototyping in the cultural sector – A case study perspective. Proceedings. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London (2019).
Engaging Museum Visitors with AI: The Case of Chatbots in Museums and Digital Culture - New Perspectives and Research, Giannini Tula, Bowen Jonathan, (Eds.) Springer Nature, 2019.
Chatbots in museums: hype or opportunity? Proceedings. Museums and the Web (2018).
Chatbots and New Audience Opportunities for Museums and Heritage Organisations. Proceedings. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London (2018).
Real-time Messaging Platforms for Storytelling and Gamification in Museums: A case history in Milan. Proceedings. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London (2016).
Usability, Design and Content Issues of Mobile Apps for Cultural Heritage Promotion: The Malta Culture Guide Experience. Proceedings. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London (2012).
Advances in Universal Web Design and Evaluation: Research, Trend and Opportunities - chapter IV: Gender issues in HCI design for web access. Idea Book Publisher, 2007.
Il tuo podcast. Edizioni FAG Srl, 2006.
Magic and Multimedia. Proceedings. Museums & The Web, 2006.
Cross media: When the web doesn't go alone. Proceedings. Museums & the Web, 2005.
Make Your Museum Talk: Natural Language Interfaces for Cultural Institutions. Proceedings. Archimuse, 2003.
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